JOLT Israel
NCSY JOLT Israel!!! Absolutely Amazing Awesome Day #13
Dear Heilige Parents Of NCSY JOLT Israel'ers, Today was perfection! But before I tell you about the details and about the food, I want to share a story with you. As I was sitting in a raft on the Jordan river today with several 8-9 year old boys from our camp, one of the boys whose 15 year old brother is sick with cancer said the following thing to me: "Rebbe, I love every minute of this camp. But tell me, if my brother gets healthy by next summer, will I be able to come back?" It was Mamsh one of those moments where you want to cry and hug and retreat back into yourself bemoaning the loss of innocence. But I looked at him and told him "It would be our honor to have him come back!" I hope that gives you all a bit of an insight into the amazing level we have taken this opportunity to. I mean these kids are living and loving every minute! Our JOLT Israel kids are so above and beyond, and our advisors are totally amazing! This is really the recipe for success. Breakfast was amazing, once again! we are getting a bit spoiled here! But the truth is that we deserve it, and by we I mean all of us who are working so hard each day. Just on an aside, they made delicious Belgian waffles this morning and I had some fresh made strawberry jam on it. It may be in my top ten! We all loaded the buses and we left for our first hike: Ein Tina. It was a beautiful water walk with a tiny bit of hiking. The kids had a great time and our kids were awesome and 100% on point with everything. From there we traveled to Kfar Blum to go on the rafts down the Jordan river. First thing we did when we all got together was…drum role please…..EAT! We had fresh delicious hamburgers delivered with fries. Awesome! Rafting was sooo much fun. We were splashing and laughing, jumping into the water starting water fights. By the time we were fished we were exhausted. After changing our wet clothing we loaded the bus and went straight to Teveria where we rented "Party Boats" The girls had their won and so did the boys! It was so awesome! We danced, we sang, we jumped around and had an awesome drum circle. From the boat we went straight to El Rancho which is an awesome Argentinian restaurant. There was so much amazing food including salads and Pita and of course food from the girl. We were all so exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel. The advisors met for a few minutes making some last minute tweaks to our schedule for tomorrow so that it is as perfect as can be. After that meeting they met with their specific JOLT Israel kids in their bunks to go over certain things for tomorrow. It's going to be amazing and rewarding….and super hot!! So we make are that everyone is wearing the proper clothing and lots of water!! I thank you again for your beautiful emails to me. I am humbled and I accept all of the compliments on behalf of our team. Because that is exactly how we function and our tremendous success thus far is a combination of everyones talents! I am looking forward to being in touch with you tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening -Rabbi Weinberg  
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