JOLT Israel
NCSY JOLT Israel Day #2- Still Exhausted and Looking Forward To Shabbos

A Gitten Erev Shabbos My NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

Today was a beautiful day. We started off with Davening, Breakfast and then headed out to the Old City of Yerushalayim. Our first stop was Ir David. We learned about ancient Israel and many of its complexities. We saw much of the archeological findings there and then walked through the old water tunnels that date back to over three thousand years!

After walking through Chizkiyahu's tunnel we made our way up to the Kotel and gave the kids some private time. One of the most beautiful things about it was that we had 5 NCSY JOLT Israelers, who have never been to Israel before and thus never been to the Kotel before. We danced them all the way down to the ancient walls. It was truly a sight to behold. From there we ate lunch which was delicious Felafel and then jumped on to the bus for a quick stop in Machaneh Yehuda. 

We got back to the hotel had some rest time and we are almost ready for our traditional Pre-Shabbos pictures.

It's going to be an amazing Shabobs, I can feel it!!!

Wishing you all a beautiful sweet Shabbos from Holy Yerushalayim.

-Rabbi Weinberg    


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