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About The Trip

A Rockin’ Day!!

joltisrael July 20, 2017

This morning we woke up bright and early in our yurt at 5:15. We some how managed to get all 45 of us ready using only 5 stalls and 2 sinks. We had a quick shacharit and breakfast before heading to keshet for some rappelling. After a two hour drive we were so happy to get there. Some of us were excited and others were a little nervous but in the end we all repelled 100m down the cliff. Personally I was kinda nervous but with the support and encouragement from my friends and one of a kind advisors I did it. I’m so happy I was able to get my feet over the big rocks and reach the beautiful view. Going down was exhilarating, hanging there in the air hearing my friends cheering me on from down below. Once we reached the bottom we took the opportunity to take a picture with every rock we saw. We then hiked up the cliff. The hike up was hard and tiring but the feeling of accomplishment when we got to the top made it all worth it. We then had another delicious lunch of, guess what…. schnitzel sandwiches!!! After drinking tons of water we headed back to the bus to depart for our free shabbos. The six hour bus ride was a real bonding time for us all. We are looking forward to catching up on sleep this weekend, we will see you when we wake up on Sunday.

Miriam Hoffman