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About The Trip

Week 1 Video

Machane Hachi Achi Day 2!!

Yesterday was the second day of the camp we are running. We heard from Rachel Frank about her experience running the camp.


 Yesterday was the most amazing day at camp. The day was filled with so a lot a laughter and fun. We went on a water hike that was so much fun for both us and the kids. I enjoyed seeing all the kids having fun and laughing with friends. After that we went to Aquakef. It was so much fun and so memorable. Being able to take kids and watch them while also having fun is so meaningful. Aquakeyf was the funnest part of the day. I could really tell from the looks of the campers that it was so much fun and that they really enjoyed it. This week has been so far the best. Can’t wait for the rest of the week and all the amazing memories we will make.

Machane Hachi Achi Day 1!

To kickstart the camp we are running, we heard from all-star JOLTER- Shira Schwartz describing her incredible experience with day 1 of Machane Hachi Achi! 

Yesterday was a huge highlight of our trip! We started the day with setting up for the campers to arrive. We blew up balloons, made posters, got dressed up and blasted music. When the campers came, we gathered outside in a human bridge for them to run through. After everyone was off the bus, we danced with the campers outside before taking them inside for a carnival with pop corn, cotton candy and slushies. We then learned some simcha Layeled cheers with our campers. Afterwords, we loaded the busses for our first tiyul with the campers. Each JOLT camper sat with a simcha Layeled camper on the bus. When we got to the water hike, everyone immediately started throwing water at each other and the hike quickly turned in to a massive water fight. The hike was my favorite part of the whole day because it was a really good way to get around and meet all the campers in a fun way…while everyone threw water at each other :). When we got back to Hispin, we had dinner, where each JOLT kid once again sat with a simcha Layeled kid, so that everyone can get to know each other even better. We had a drum circle last night with blasting music and everyone was singing, dancing and playing the drums. Everyone got really into it which made the whole activity so much better!! It was overall a really great day where we all really got to bond. This was only day 1, but I can’t wait for the rest of the week to come!



Last but not least, here are Jamie Beer’s reflections on her final Shabbos on Jolt Israel and her overall experience on the program –


This past Shabbos was are last Shabbos on Jolt Israel. It personally was a very meaningful experience for me. It was special to see that after only five weeks, everyone was meshed together like one family. During ebbing, everyone was very into it, and you could feel the energy in the air. When ebbing was supposed to end, everyone got together and just kept on singing. None of us wanted the moment to end. Today, we went to the Herzl museum which interested me because I had learned about it in school this past year. It was cool to see the thing I learned in school come to life. Throughout the summer I grew as a person because of the experiences I had on Jolt Israel. I will truly miss this amazing summer.


As we enter into our final Shabbos together at Kibbutz Chafetz Chaim, Lexie Alpert reflects back on her highlights of the last few days-


Yesterday, we went on a hike to Snapir. We specifically did the hike later in the day so that we could watch the sunset on the top of the mountain. We have done a million hikes this week but this one hike really stood out because it was a bonding experience. We all had to help each other climb up the steep mountain and once we made it to the top, it was extremely accomplishing looking down on the beautiful land Hashem has created for us. Seeing a view so beautiful made me very appreciative of Israel and the opportunities JOLT Israel has provided.


Shabbat shalom from the extended JOLT Israel family!!


Jake Froehlich shares his reflections on our awesome day yesterday – 


Yesterday was an amazing day. We started off at an vineyard where we picked our own grapes that we were able to keep. It was very meaningful because we were also able to experience picking fruit from the land we as Jewish people received from God. After picking the grapes, we went to another area of the vineyard to do ma’aser and make wine . It was a really amazing experience to do that. The next thing we did was biking. Personally, biking is one of my favorite things to do in my free time. While we biked, we were able to see the beautiful scenery of some of Eretz Yisroel and get to really appreciate the land Hashem gave to us.


Today we volunteered at a food packaging center in Tel Aviv and then visited the Gush Katif museum. After a full and meaningful day, Adeena Schwerd shares her highlights-


Today, we went to The Yafo Center to help package food boxes for kids and families in need. A lesson that this activity taught me is how much everyone takes for granted. As a camp, we did only a small act of kindness, and yet it left a major impact. It was crazy for all of us to see how many people are in need of food, and how easy it was for us to fix this issue. This is only one of the amazing chessed opportunities that Jolt Israel has to offer!


As we part ways for our free Shabbat, Marsha Joseph reflects on the meaningful final day we had together this week – 


Today we went to a graveyard for soldiers. There, we learned that even though the soldiers were in different divisions, they were all buried the same way, with the same style tombstone. The message I took from this is that we are all equal. After, we went to the pishpeshim market, and there was a lot of cool things to see. Some of us learned how to bargain, and we got ice cafe. Tonight is the start of our off weekend, and it’s going to be fun. Being on this trip has given me a great experience and I’m going to miss everyone when it’s over.





Here are Uriel Awerbuch’s reflections on another great and powerful day –


Today we went to Yaoz V’Gaon, the park dedicated in memory of the three boys who were kidnapped in 2014. We helped pick up fallen branches so that, if a fire breaks out, it will not spread. Our guide for the cleanup explained to us that, a few days ago, a molotov cocktail was thrown in the park and a tree caught fire; we were cleaning up to prevent greater damage. At the end, the guide told us that we were contributing to Israel and even the small things make a big difference. I will definitely carry that message with me moving forward.


Following a meaningful and unique Tisha b’Av commemoration, Rachelli Geffner shares with us the most impactful parts of her fast day –


Yesterday was Tisha B’av and it was one of the most meaningful fasts I have ever had. For Eicha we went to the Herodion which is the last place that the Jews were able to see the Beit Hamikdash burning. This experience put into perspective how much of a tragedy the destruction really was and it made me understand the pain that the Jews endured at that time. During the day, there was an optional tour of the Kotel tunnels, which has been one of the highlights of my summer (so far!). The tunnels showed how beautifully the Kotel was designed and how the Kotel was changed by the different nations who had control of it over the years. One of the most inspiring parts of the tour was that we were able to daven directly across from the believed position of the Kodesh HaKodashim. I am thankful for the experience I was able to have, and I can’t wait for the rest of the summer.