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About The Trip

Summer 2018


Three days into another incredible week, Daniel Friedman shares him personal highlight-


Yesterday we went to the Kineret and had team building exercises. We built rafts and had a race to see which one was the best. In the water, everyone got out of their rafts and splashed everyone and it was awesome . This activity made me realize that we are a mishpacha on Jolt Israel. I had a ton of fun.


Today was an awesome day! Here are some reflections from Sela Ratner-


Today we went on a hike to Nachal Amud. At first thought, in really hot weather, the hike seemed intimidating and way over my head. But after a 3 hour bus ride, the combination of beautiful scenery, great conversation, and overall bonding made the day one that I will never forget. The climax of the hike was the refreshing pool of water. Instantly everyone was comfortable and a giant water fight broke out. Nearing towards the end, Yoel spoke about the history of our surroundings and how everything in life has two sides- the shell and the core. Reflecting back, though the shell of the hike seemed overwhelming, once on our way, the core brought out the family within us.


After a late first night, the teens woke up early today for an exciting day of hiking in Ir David, davening at the Kotel, felafel lunch, and exploring the Shuk. As we look forward to welcoming in our first Shabbos in the holy land, Ora Hochberg shared some of her highlights of the day –


Today we had a really exciting tour of Ir David and the Chizkiyahu water tunnels led by Yoel. One of the amazing of it was that he used Tanach as a huge part of the tour. It really brought Tanach alive and helped me connect the stories to everything we were looking at. For example, we learned about a stamp that was excavated at Ir David that had on it the name of a scribe who is mentioned specifically in a pasuk! It was so cool!

Have a beautiful Shabbos everyone!

NCSY Summer 2017 JOLT Israel

Water Hiking!! NCSY JOLT Israel 2017