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Days 10 and 11- Beautiful Shabbos and Meaningful Fast

Shalom NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

Shabbos was magnificent! The difference between “week one” and “week two” are beyond amazing and transformational. The kids have totally jelled and the social drama that popped up in the first few days is a thing of the past. Obviously we contend with all age appropriate things especially on a large group like ours. However, I am so impressed with the way the kids are excited to learn, grow and evolve into the people they truly want to be. I have seen so much growth with so many of our JOLT Israel kids. More about that later….. 

After returning back from Eilat we had some time to get ready for Shabbos. The grounds of the Kibbutz were beautiful and the rooms were nice and clean. They were nice little “Tzimmerim” which actually comes from the German word “Zimmer” meaning room. Everyone had time to shower and change, followed by our group meeting together for pre-Shabbos pictures. We davened Kabbalas Shabbos together and then we went to eat our Seudah. The food was awesome. Several different options of meat and chicken, rice, salads and hot side dishes. We sang Zemiros and just enjoyed our time together in a wholesome way. After eating we went to our multi-purpose room and had an Oneg. It was great, we hung out and laughed together. I can’t stress how awesome it is to hear simple, wholesome laughter. We ended the night with an advisor panel. I wanted the kids to get to know them a bit better in a fun way. We asked them questions and had a great time. The evening ended with the panel and I gave the kids a pretty late curfew and everyone took advantage of the time together. 

We had a late wake up and a late Shachris Shabbos morning which was just what the doctor ordered for all of us. The sun is draining and so are the early wakeups, I hold that on Shabbos morning it is important for the kids to catch up on their sleep. This means late wake-ups and time to relax and sleep Shabbos afternoon. After Shachris we had Kiddush and a round robin Dvar Torah rotation with Divrei Torah given by some of our NCSY JOLT Israel kids. It was great. They really prepared and delivered their ideas like professionals. We followed with lunch and then Mincha. Once Mincha was over we had a few hours to rest up. Many of the kids stayed at an optional Chaburah and others learned B’Chavrusa with our advisors.  I am proud to say that at ten days into the program we have over 50% of our kids learning B’Chavrusa with someone. I fully expect us to get higher than last years 85%. Between me and you, these stats are beyond awesome and speak to the high level of the kids on our program!! I am really proud of them. 

At 6 o’clock we had “Shoot the Rabbi”. This is something that I find to be a very important program. It is a safe place without judgment and the kids can ask anything they want to me about anything. Their voice and curiosity is validated and they get they get answers to important questions that are on the minds of normal 15 year olds. We ended after an hour and then went into Seuda Shlishit. Once we all finished eating we took our chairs and put them in a circle outside, where we sang and I spoke to the kids. One of the things that I focused on with them was that we successfully finished stage one, which means we have effectively become a tight knit family. Now it is time for us to raise the bar for ourselves and kick it up a notch. We now need to function like a family. No more sitting on the side while some kids help schlep. No more staring at your phone while other kids are packing the bus. Everyone needs to chip in and help out. Shabbos finished strong with some real ruach, Maariv and an awesome NCSY JOLT Israel Havdala! Following Havdala we had some time to change and then met back for a pizza Melaveh Malka. While waiting for the pizza, one of the members of the Kibbutz came to speak with us about life in Gevulot and what the Kibbutz movement is and how it has evolved. 

Today we davened and left Gevulot and went to our first stop, the Gush Katif museum. I bring kids there every year because it is such an important place for them to see. To be clear, I have very strong political opinions but my educational objective in this museum is NOT to have them pick sides. Rather I want them to really understand the complexity of Israel. It is an important thing for them to understand in general. Life is typically not black and white. That is true in our daily lives and certainly in Israeli politics. We continued our travels up North to Teveria where we davened Mincha at the Kever of Rebbe Akiva. After davening and some personal reflection time, Ben and Yehuda spoke to the kids for a bit about Rebbe Akiva and his story and some personal messages for us. Some of the kids wanted to go to the Kever of the Ramchal and they had a moment to do so before we made our way to the Kever of Rebbe Meir Ba’al HaNeis for a quick Tefilla. Outside of the Kever, Yifat, our amazing tour guide spoke to the kids a bit about the history of Rebbe Meir and the Segulah that is attributed to him.

We got to Chispin tonight and broke our fasts here on some amazing food. We had a delicious split pea soup, salmon in a garlic sauce, Morrocon fish, shakshuka, and loads of side dishes. Following dinner we all met together and I went through the timeline for tomorrow and what the expectations are for each one of our leaders. I wish you could be here to feel the energy in our multipurpose room. It’s wild!! The kids have been split into six groups of ten, corresponding to the six different groups of kids coming from Simcha LaYeled. We are decorating the room with streamers, balloons and posters. The best part is that everyone is involved.  We took a quick break to wish Hannah Greenberg a big happy birthday with a make your own sundae party! 

Tomorrow is going to be an intense day for all of us. Emotions and energy are going to be at an all time high and we are going to dive head first into an experience that is soon to change our lives for the better forever! I can’t wait to tell you all about it. 

I am so proud of each and every one of them. Ashreichem! 

If you are getting feedback from your child that I need to know about, please let me know so I can be of help to them.

From the holy and beautiful mountains of the Golan,

Rabbi Weinberg

Days 5,6,7,8,9!!! Out of this world amazing!!

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

Hello again!! It’s been a while and I have so much to share with you. Allow me to say how much I appreciate the outpouring of amazing comments and accolades regarding the trip and of course questioning why I haven’t been writing this week. Running a big program is a tremendous Zechus it also requires me to be more hands on in the beginning to deal with lots of different variables so as to ensure that everything is as smooth as can be for your children. With very late nights, very early mornings, tons of logistical variables and the normal things that pop up, I needed to do my own cost/benefit and I figured that you would rather me working with your kids and making sure that all loose ends are taken care of than me spending the time to write the emails. 

I had the opportunity to sit on the beach in Eilat while the boys were enjoying an awesome morning of water sports so I had some time to start writing. We are back on track and Bli Neder the emails will be more regular. 

I want to walk you through the whole week and tell you everything. It was amazing on every single level. First of all the kids are becoming super close with each other. The large majority of the normative adolescent social issues have subsided and all the kids are enjoying the close knit family vibe. This second Shabbos will be a very special one for us. The closer we get as a family the more beautiful and wholesome the experience will be. We spoke a lot about trusting the process and letting nature take its course. I have made mention, on occasion, of the fact that we are such a product of our immediate gratification culture, that when things don’t work out the first time we get so frustrated and put in very little effort if any on trying again. Trusting the process means understanding that there are mountains and valleys in life and learning how to navigate them is more important than the successful navigation itself.

Monday, began with wake up, davening and a delicious breakfast in Kibbutz Tzuba. The Kibbutz itself is located in the Judean Hills on the Western outskirts of Jerusalem and the area itself actually dates back to Tanach and is mentioned in Shmuel Bet regarding David HaMelech. It was quaint and had a magnificent view of the mountains. We loaded the buses and started our journey with some time in Chevron. We met Reb Simcha Hochbaum and walked together to see one of the ancient Mikvas and trees that tradition tells us Avraham made use of. We actually had an opportunity to meet with the Palestinian Mayor of Chevron. He was kind and welcoming and actually works hard to create dialogue between the Jews in Chevron and the Palestinians.  From there we went to Beit Hadassah and learned about the history of Chevron from the beginning to today with some focus on the tragic Chevron massacre. We went from there to the cave itself and went in to daven at the graves of our holy mothers and fathers. The tradition of this being the actual location of the Machpeila caves is actually one of the oldest that we have. It was so meaningful for all of the kids and the opportunity to spend time in the city of our patriarchs and matriarchs was a real Zechus for all of us. Perhaps the biggest Zechus is that there is a strong Jewish presence in Chevron and our children had the opportunity to meet these brave Jewish souls who literally “hold the fort down” with love and passion. 

After Chevron we made a quick stop for lunch in Kfar Etzion and made our way to one of the best sound and light shows I have ever seen on the history of Kfar Etzion and the siege of 1948. Our tour guide yifat also spoke about her own personal family ties to this place and it really hit home for all of us.

We continued on to work the land of Artzienu HaKedosha a bit on the outskirts of Kibbutz Rosh Tzurim in the Gush. We helped dig the ground around the roots and remove branches and rocks from the paths. We learned a bit about agriculture and the importance of working the land. As an avid agriculturalist I myself really appreciated this activity but I think giving the kids these opportunities that they can look back on and understand the profound meaning of their actions is beyond important. 

Tuesday morning we had our Simcha Layeled training. As a reminder, the camp that we run in Chispin is for siblings of  children in Simcha LaYeled. Simcha Layeled works with children that have chronic illnesses. These siblings get lost in the craziness of a world fraught with doctors, hospitals and around the clock care. In our camp we give the siblings an opportunity to create their own narrative. They are no longer the sibling of a child with….. These children now have their own identities. We had several amazing speakers and spoke about everything from best practices in running a camp, to understanding cultural differences to the psychological sensitives that our children need to bear in mind when dealing with our Simcha LaYeled population. 

We met some of the Israeli staff that will be working with us in our camp and we went together to hike the beautiful Sataf. It was an easy hike and mostly downhill. But before walking down we had fresh Falafel, Pita and salad  stations set up for us for lunch. Absolutely delicious! As far as hikes go it was a great one to start with and the kids were super excited for it.  

Our day ended with an awesome water fight in Latrun. Two teams, water guns and the only objective in mind was to soak as many of us as we can. Water was spraying everywhere and the only thing that could be heard was screaming and laughing. What a perfect sound!! No social media just Jewish children laughing and enjoying the simple pleasures. Chasdei Hashem. After changing we all loaded the buses and drove down south to Masada. We arrived late, ate an amazing dinner and then davened Maariv. I wanted the kids to get into bed as soon as possible because we were having an early wakeup to climb Masada.

Wednesday morning started at 4:30 A.M. I made the hike up Masada totally optional. I was shocked that we had over 50 kids join for the hike up. We all did it. I am so proud of everyone. The kids that pushed themselves to wake up and do the hike and the kids that know their bodies well enough to know that they needed a bit more sleep. Sunrise from the top of Masada was magnificent and we listened to “Here comes the Sun” by the Beatles as we watched the sun come up over the Jordanian mountains.  We offered an optional tour on top which was amazing!! After davening and breakfast we went to Ein Gedi. It was perfect on a hot day. Nothing feels quite as refreshing as standing under a freezing cold waterfall in the middle of the desert. The view and wildlife was awesome. We headed back to Masada to relax for a few hours and get ready for our drive to Park Ra’anana for Yom NCSY!!

We arrived in Ra’anana and had an amazing time at Yom NCSY. The kids loved it! The energy was palpable and the Ruach was strong. I was so proud of the way we were represented. Our 60 NCSY JOLT Israel kids made me very proud. We left Yom NCSY after an awesome Simcha Leiner concert and headed back down to Masada. 

Yesterday was something really unique and an experience that I think our kids will not soon forget. We drove towards Sderot to the Tzeilim army base. It is a base in which a large part of it has mock Palestinian communities where the soldiers learn to sharpen their combat skills so as to limit collateral damage. We had a special meeting with Retired Br. General  Bentzi Gruber. He took us to an exact replica of a Hamas terror tunnel which we walked through. From there we were taken to a briefing room where General Gruber explained to us through video the steps Israeli soldiers take to hone in on their sensitivities towards life (sometimes in war things get difficult and we go from gray to black and white). It was an awesome presentation. From the presentation we watched General Gruber drive a tank and let us climb up and onto it. It is tough to describe the power that these tanks have. It is quite humbling. I explained to the kids that trips into active army bases is not something that participants on other Israel summer programs have the privilege of visiting. It’s one of those things that are simply not done. The fact that we did have the opportunity is a major statement about JOLT Israel and the way we are viewed.  I am really proud of that fact and I am really proud of your kids for living up to this amazing reputation. 

From the army base we headed down south and made a quick stop in Yotvata. The main attraction there is the fact that they have a massive dairy farm and all of the ice cream that they make is from the milk they get from their cows. It’s basically farm to table. Needless to say, the ice cream is out of this world. Also, needless to say I had a lot….

We arrived in Eilat at about 7:00 P.M. and went straight to the boardwalk and gave the kids some free time to eat and walk around. We went back to the hotel and after some free time everyone went to sleep. This morning we had another optional early morning hike called Har Tzfachot. This time only 11 brave souls made it up. I am happy that the others got the rest that they needed. Allow me to explain how amazing this view is from the top. After climbing all the way up we wait for sunrise and all around are the red mountains of the Arava. Down below is the crystal blue water of the red sea. When you look around,  you can see Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. How awesome is that!!!! There was not one regret from any of the kids that joined in this hike. After davening and breakfast we went to the Red Sea for separate water sports. The kids loved it!! What’s not to love?!

 We just left Eilat after a delicious lunch of Shnitzle from the Ice Mall. Prior to lunch we gave the kids some time in a super market to buy snacks and other things that they want for Shabbos.  We are now on our way to our Shabbos destination, Kibbutz Gevulot. We are looking forward to bonding and growing together and excited about the week ahead in Chispin. I look forward to being in touch with you after Shabbos and filling you in on what promises to be something truly special.   

I hope you now have a real sense of just how amazing things have been. It only gets better!!!!

Please let me know if you are receiving these emails and let me know the feedback you are getting from your children. I am always interested in hearing from parents. If I can do anything or be of help, just let me know. My only interest is in making sure that your children have the most amazing and meaningful summer of their lives!

 I want to take the opportunity to wish you a beautiful and sweet Shabbos. May the fast day this Sunday be turned into a Yom Tov with the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu  and may we be Zoche to sing and dance in the streets of a rebuilt Yerushalayim. Amen!

With warmest wishes

Rabbi Weinberg

Days 3 and 4- Absolutely Awesome!!!!

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

I hope this email finds you well. 

Shabbos was amazing!! Friday night began with our own Kabbalos Shabbos  followed by a beautiful message welcoming Shabbos from our very own advisor, Lauren Aduculesi. After dancing and singing we went down to eat the Shabbos Seudah together. The food was awesome! Duck, Lamb and yes schnitzel and regular food for my not yet cultured eaters 🙂  After dinner we went back to our multipurpose room where we heard some amazing words of Torah from Rabbi Nosson Rich. Rabbi Rich shared simple yet meaningful ways to increase the amount of Chesed that we perform in our daily lives and how to set goals for ourselves. After Rabbi Rich spoke we had our first (of three) icebreakers. The kids loved it! It was a ton of fun and they started to get to know one another a bit better. Obviously no Friday night is complete with out Choulent and Kugel!   

Shabbos day began with Davening and I offered an optional Biur Tefilla Chabura during leining for the girls. After Davening we had Kiddush followed by some free time and another beautiful idea from Rabbi Rich. Lunch was an amazing spread of delicious gastronomical delights and upon finishing we went straight up to Mincha. We had 4 hours of Menucha and I told the kids that I felt it was imperative for them to sleep. Many did, some didn’t….Seudah Shlishit was followed by ebbing outside overlooking the sunset over Beit Lechem. I spoke to the kids about new beginnings and the opportunity that this summer presents for each one of us to embrace the person we want to be. We each have the opportunity to fix the mistakes of the past in a safe and nurturing environment and evolve into our best selves.

We finished Shabbos with Maariv and a special JOLT Israel havdala. After a few minutes to change we loaded the buses for some special Motzei Shabbos Tefilos at Kever Rochel.  We returned back for a Melava Malka and night activity called mystery envelope. The kids loved it albeit I think we were all grossed out a bit.    

This morning was an early rise because we had one of the first appointments for a special tour of the Kenesset. After our Kenesset tour we went to the park adjacent to the Kenesset where we broke up into our Chaburas and learned for about 40 minutes. After Chaburahs were over we had the Zechus to do some hands on Chesed at Pantry Packers. When finished we helped to provide food for 570 poor families. How amazing is that??!!

The Chesed built up an appetite and we had fresh hamburgers and fries delivers to us at Gan Sacher. It was awesome to watch the kids continue to grow and bond with each other. Sitting together in groups in the shade or playing soccer it was nice to see these relationships really taking root.  

Our day ended with a graffiti tour of Nachlaot and the shuk. I have never done it before and I was very pleasantly surprised. It was an interesting sociological tool that allowed us to gain a deeper insight into the complex and diverse demographic tapestry of Israel and Jerusalem in particular. 

Tonight we are staying in Kibbutz Tzuba a beautiful and quaint Kibbutz on the outskirts of Jerusalem. Following a delicious dinner with multiple salads, 5 different entrees and many side-dishes the kids had a bit of free time only to return for Maariv and our last ice breaker. The rest of the evening was chilling out and spending time together. It was so nice to see relationships blossoming and kids still meeting and connecting to one another. 

Tomorrow we have a very exciting day. We are going to spend time in Gush Etzion as well as Hevron. I am so excited to give our kids an opportunity to daven at the graves of our holy mothers and fathers in our ancestral homeland. It is going to be a beautiful day and I am looking forward to sharing it together with you. Obviously we will be taking bullet proof buses with extra security guards as per protocol.

One final word…Most of the kids are integrating seamlessly and the new social structure is something that they are able to navigate quite effectively. For others it is still taking a little bit of time. That is totally normal. Trust the process and trust me. Everything is going exactly the way it should.  Don’t get involved in the drama, just let me and my fantastic and very talented staff do our jobs and help your children navigate any social hurdles. We understand the context and we see them in real time. We are totally invested in their emotional, physical and spiritual well being. 

If you have questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me and we will troubleshoot together.

Wishing you a blessed day from the beautiful and holy hills of Jerusalem

-Rabbi Weinberg 


Erev Shabbos Day #2

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

A Gitten Erev Shabbos!!

Today was awesome. We began with an early Shachris, followed by a delicious breakfast with fresh salads, fruits, cheeses, fish and an assortment of hot foods including pastas, eggs, blintzes and sautéed vegetables. After eating our fill we loaded the buses and traveled to the old city where we started in Ir David. We learned about Judaism during the time of the 1st and 2nd Beis HaMikdash. We got a better sense of our location and why the area where we were was so desirable. From there we made our way to Chizkiyahu’s tunnel which is a 533 meter long water tunnel system. It was dug under the rule of Chizkiyahu during the 8th century B.C.E to redirect the Jerusalem water source and protect it from being utilized by the Assyrian army. 

This group was the first one EVER in which every single JOLT Israel’er went in the tunnel! We sang and walked in the dark for a bit. It was a bit scary for some of us but we managed to move out of our comfort zones! I am so proud of all of my JOLT Israel’ers.

We walked out of Ir David and made a stop at the Kotel. It was really meaningful for so many of us to run our hands over the smooth stones and offer a personal prayer. We have three kids that have never been to Israel before and that did NOT go unnoticed. We danced and sang with them to the Kotel plaza. Everyone watched as we jumped together with them singing V’Shavu Banim and Yibaneh HaMikdash! It was an amazing sight to behold. 

From the Kotel we gave the kids some free time in Machaneh Yehuda. We gave each JOLT Israel’er some money so they could buy the lunch of their choice. It is truly an experience to walk through the shuk on an Erev Shabbos. The hustle and bustle and store keepers screaming at the top of their lungs trying to sell their wares. It was mamesh Holy Chaos!!!

After Machaneh Yehuda we came back to the hotel and davened an early Mincha and we are now relaxing and getting ready for our first Shabbos together in Artzeinu HaKedosha. We have a packed Shabbos with awesome activities, singing, programs and speakers. Before Shabbos we will be spending time taking pictures together which always becomes a big highlight of the summer. 

The kids are doing great. They are tired and still becoming friends with people. We are slowly breaking down cliques and people are learning how to navigate these situations in a healthy and safe way. Everything takes time and everyone needs to trust me and the process. Our advisors are beyond amazing and really connecting with the kids. I am so blessed to spend my summer doing this. It really is an honor for me to give this experience to your children. 

As always please feel free to be in touch with me about anything. I am here for you all the time as I am for your children. 

The sun is slowly making its way down in the West and I want to wish you all a beautiful and sweet Shabbos. May we be blessed to see greatness from each of our children and may this first Shabbos be the first of many Shabbosim that your children, and all of us here, will spend in our holy land in good health and happiness.

With warmest wishes

-Rabbi Weinberg 


Going To Sleep

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family!

Let me start off by saying that today could not have gone smoother! We made it out of the airport and on to our buses, the kids all had plenty of room to spread out and sit comfortably (which is a big deal). We split up the buses based on the types of Israeli Dorito flavors that they liked…Lol. We went straight to Armon HaNatziv to the Haas Promenade and had an amazing BBQ dinner. Chumus, coleslaw, salads, wings in sweet chili sauce, fresh sliders and hot dogs were waiting for us when we got there. The food was excellent and hit the spot. Waiting for us as well was out representative from Talk and Save who made sure to give all the kids their SIMS and help everyone else who was having some issues. We also had a money changer there so that kids could change money if they wanted to. I gathered everyone together and made some quick introductions and then Yifat our tour guide gave the kids a bit of context as to where we were and the importance of the place. We davened Maariv over looking the lights of Har HaBayis and then made out way to SuperPharm for the kids to buy their toiletries. 

Perhaps the most beautiful thing we saw was a young Chosson and Kalla getting married with their Chuppah facing Har Habayis. There are so many emotions swirling around after seeing that. May we be Zoche to only experience Yerushalayim as a catalyst for Bracha and unifying Jewish people.  

From there we loaded the buses and made our way to Ramat Rachel which is where we are staying for the next few nights. The hotel is really nice and the food is AMAZING (They will find out at breakfast). We will be going to Ir David, Chizkiyahu’s water tunnel and then lunch in the shuk. Then some free time in the hotel and getting ready for our first Shabbos together. 

Everyone is still a bit nervous and anxious all of which is totally normal and to be expected. We have a massive ice breaker tomorrow night which is going to change the dynamics totally. As tie goes one things will gel. Everyone needs to trust the process and trust me. If you have questions you can always reach out. If you have concerns you must be in touch with me so that I can help you in real time. 

I must get some sleep so I will speak with you tomorrow before Shabbos.

Have a great night

From our holy city of Yerushalayim may it be rebuilt in our days.

-Rabbi Weinberg

Arrived in Artzeinu HaKedosha!!

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Families, 

SheHechianu V’Keimanu V’Higiyanu La’Zman HaZeh!!! Chasdei Hashem everything was super smooth from JFK until we arrived. The flight was great and getting out of the airport was super smooth. Everyone got their luggage, we are all on our busses and on our way to Jerusalem for a BBQ dinner! We have a bunch of logistic things that we need to take care of but all in due time. All the kids are doing great and we are ready to have the BEST. SUMMER.EVER.

Talk and Save will be meeting us at the BBQ to give out SIM cards and help anyone with issues. We will also have a person changing money for the kids there as well. 

If you have any questions be in touch with me via Whatssapp or always feel free to respond to my emails. 

Speak to you soon.

With warmest wishes

-Rabbi Weinberg


NCSY JOLT Israel- A Quick Note Before Shabbos Kodesh


My Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,


I received so many emails from parents asking me to send out one more email before Shabbos, so here goes. I hope that the kids have begun telling you how amazing their respective summers were. Sometimes, it takes a few days for them to process their experiences before they can start to share.  I know that since they have gotten back they have been spending nonstop time with each other. That is a great testament to the fact that we really did build the JOLT Israel family the way I had intended to. We created something amazing, a group of Frum teens who can spend time with each other in a wholesome way. A close family setting where they can just enjoy one another’s company, and laugh and joke around. How awesome is that?!! In today’s hectic and crazy world, where adolescents are expected to act older than they really are and are exposed to things increasingly more prematurely. This throw back is in my opinion a Godsend.


I think back to the days that we grew up in. We had our own sets of challenges it’s true, but it was nothing compared to what our children are dealing with. Technology is great in some ways, but an absolute disaster developmentally for our kids. The first piece of parting advice I would share is: we need to whatever we can to get our kids to use their phones less. When our children are quiet and not bothering us, it’s a welcome respite. We are all human and as parents the down time is so important for us. But we need to weigh that against what’s happening when our kids are occupied on their phones. Social media, which is what they are primarily preoccupied with is one of the things I dealt with a lot. I spoke to the kids about is the importance of learning how to believe in one’s own sense of self-worth and NOT base their value on the “likes” they receive from “friends” on social media. Social media, which occupies most of our kid’s times is hurting our children’s ability to learn valuable social skills. Trust me when I tell you that I know first-hand how difficult it is, but the day we stop trying is the day we give up on our children. I have techniques that I use and are helpful and I would be happy to share with those of you who are interested.


We have been back in America for just a few days and it is tough. It’s tough on a spiritual level and a familial level (being away from our JOLT Israel family). Besides for all the leadership training, so much of what I try to do is to work on building a deep and burning love for Israel. It takes time and patience to cultivate this love. The piece that I struggle with is that just as I finally start to see the pieces all come together, we are boarding a plane and coming back to North America. That’s where you, the parents come into play. You need to take the baton from me and continue the conversation about the importance of Israel on a national and spiritual level. You can do this by learning with your child (I am happy to point you in the direction of some beautiful Seforim about Eretz Yisrael), you can also do this by guided questions. Ask your child what the sunrises and sunsets were like in Israel and how they are different than the ones we see here. Ask them what it’s like Erev Shabbos afternoon, walking through the shuk and how that was a meaningful experience. Have them articulate their feelings of what is what like to walk on the same stones as our holy ancestors. They will appreciate the questions and I am sure they will jump at the opportunity to speak about it. It will also help to solidify their experiences they had over the summer.  


One of the last teaching I shared with the kids was on the bus to the airport. It was the last Torah we learned together in Artzeinu and I will share it with all of you as well. It’s strong Torah that burns with an intense fire. It is also one of the very important messages that I wanted the kids to hear. It is something that I want them to carry with them and it’s good for all of us to remember as well.


In Shemona Esrei (Nusach Sefard) each day we say the following “Ki Ata Shomeah Teffilas Kol Peh” Which means “Because You (Hashem) hear all the Tefillos of our mouths.” In Yiddish, the expression “Fe” is meant to denote something that is insignificant, unimportant or distasteful.  Rav Baruch of Mezibuz, the grandson of the holy Baal Shem Tov HaKadosh said the following. Don’t read it as “Kol Peh” Everything that that comes out of our mouths. But rather “Kol Fe” the small insignificant things. Meaning, don’t think that the things that we think are not important, but ask Hashem for are not heard. CHas V’Shalom!! EVERYTHING is heard by Hashem, even the things that we think are not important or are “Fe”. This message was an important one for me to share. So often we think that our conversations with Hashem have to be about lofty matters, or we need to speak in a way that is prim and proper. The truth is, just like any parent hears their children irrespective of what they are saying, Hashem acts the same way. All requests are important to Him. But deeper than that. How special is it, when our child sits down with us and just wants to speak? Just the act of our children wanting to connect to us is so moving. It is no different for Hashem. When we carve out time in our day to have a conversation with our parent in heaven, it is the act of speaking itself which is beloved. Tefilla is a difficult thing for all people. Even when our kids daven, there are so many struggles irrespective how hard they try. The language barrier, a God we are speaking to that we can’t see, hear, feel…., a structure of Bakasha in a day and age when we “have everything we need”, and the list goes on. Please continue to encourage your children to value the time they spend speaking to Hashem and doing so consciously. Even if they don’t understand what they are saying, the act of speaking to Hashem is so important and cannot be understated! Davening in English is important and so is spending time choosing specific Tefillos to focus on. I did have a Biur Tefilla Chaburah several times with the girls specifically, but it wasn’t enough time and not nearly with enough people. I need to figure out a way to work with them on this important area. Perhaps I will start a whatsapp chaburah on Biur Tefilla for parents and kids. That might be really nice. Nothing is holier than parents and children learning together.


On a side note, I know that there is a survey going around and I would encourage everyone to fill it out. On a personal note, if there are things that you can share with me, via email, that I can do better I would greatly appreciate it.


Anyway, as I get ready for Shabbos out of Israel 🙁 I want to wish you all a beautiful and sweet Shabbos. Rebbe Nachman teaches that it is possible to bring down the Kedusha of Eretz Yisrael even in Chutz La’aretz. Let’s do that together. Let’s work hard to bring that high level of Kedusha of our holy land to our respective houses and communities. It will only serve to bolster our children’s spiritual and religious development.


With much love and respect


Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel



NCSY JOLT Israel- Our Last Night In Israel Together As A JOLT Israel Family

My Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,


It’s Monday night here in Artzeinu and we fly back to North America tomorrow. I can’t believe our trip has come to a close. I feel like we were just meeting in JFK and getting to know each other but alas we are here in Kibbutz Chafetz Chayim, sitting together and talking, reminiscing about the summer and what an amazing time we all had. Before I share my final thoughts I want to tell you about Shabbos and the past two days.


Shabbos was beautiful but it seemed like it flew by. We began with our famous, pre-shabbos picture taking. This was followed by a beautiful davening. We danced and we sang and we wished that the moment would never end. After davening we ate the Seudah together and then made our way down to the activity room where we had an awesome Oneg. Jed and Davida were the Chassidishe Rebbe and Rebbitzen and taught the kids songs, Grammen and did Shtick. It was an awesome evening. Shabbos day, we davened, had Kiddush, lunch and assorted Shiurim throughout the day. As it started to get dark we took our chairs and sat outside in a circle for our last ebbing. The singing was loud and strong and the emotion that Yoel poured out when he spoke to us was emotional and stirring. We ended Shabbos with our famous JOLT Israel Havdalah and chilled out with a pizza Melaveh Malka.


Sunday was a great day and an important day. It was really a day of tying up loose ends.  We began our day at Givat HaTachmoshet (Ammunition hill). Our tour began with a movie of that battle and why it is such an important part of Israeli history. Then we moved up to the trenches and I spoke a little more in depth about the strategic relevance of the place and one particular piece of history that signified Achdus among the soldiers. After we finished we had an awesome lunch from Burgers Bar and then made our way to Kever Rachel where we davened Mincha. After Mincha we went back to the Haas Promenade and I spoke about Rachel crying for her children as they went into Galus. We came full circle and I asked the kids to think about the one area that they think that they changed the most in. Memories are important but with time they fade. If, however, the trip truly changed their lives (which I know it did), then labeling how their lives where enhanced will help them make the trip part of their lives forever. After we spoke, we loaded the buses and made our way to the Hertzel museum. It was excellent and I think left us all with important things to think about.


Today we gave the kids free time to buy last minute things and then said goodbye to the Kotel. We had our final banquet and heard from some amazing kids, the advisors and saw a beautiful movie that Davida put together. It was moving and left us all with the same thought. JOLT Israel was the best summer of these kids’ lives. But I want to add something here. It was also the best for us as well. The entire staff echo’s the same feelings as the kids. We did something amazing this summer. We all created something amazing! The chemistry of our staff was unparalleled. We literally felt like we were all part of one big family. There was no fighting, no issues, nothing except for the highest level of respect for one another. That love and respect trickles down to the kids and they mimic it. Our staff were true role models in every sense of the word. I am so proud to be associated with each and every one of them. They are truly the best of the best and we are all the lucky recipients of this reality.


We return back to our respective houses tomorrow but this summer will forever be in my heart and I know it will forever remain in the heart of all of our staff and our kids.

I want to thank a few people who made this summer possible. But before I do that I must say “Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov, Ki Leolam Chasdo” Everything that we had this summer was a function of the constant Shefa Bracha of Hashem. I also want to thank Nechama for all her hard work and attention to the details that made this program as smooth as it was, she is the best partner in the world! David Cutler and NCSY Summer including but not limited to Elliot Tanzman, Amy Mauskopf, Rachelli Schwartz and the entire team thank you for everything you do to continue to help make JOLT Israel the success it is. We ALL share the great success of this program! To everyone at Masa Yehudi, you guys are rock stars. Thank you for all of the help planning and making sure we always had what we needed. Yoel for being the best tour guide in the world. Alon for being the best logistics person, medic and guard! To Ben Book my Assistant Director, Jed Zaslow my Director of education, Yonatan Glicksman, Hannah Backer, Davida Respler and Rachel Fried- Thank you, thank you, thank you. Words can’t express how amazing you are, but the smiles on these kids’ faces the entire summer speaks volumes. The fact that we had OVER 80% of our kids involved in chavrusah learning is remarkable, we created a Tehillim group chat and completed Tehillim four times this summer! That is your collective legacy.


Thank you to the parents for all of the amazing and beautiful letters that you have sent me over the summer. I can tell you that they meant the world to me and I appreciate you taking the time to send the thank you notes! I’m always happy to receive them and as I explained they helped bolster our resolve and the good work that we are trying to do from our end. I’m also happy to receive some last minutes ones 😉


I end with one more thing. Just because the summer is over, please don’t be strangers. If I can ever do anything for you or be of help to you in any way at all, please do not hesitate to reach out. You have my email address and my cell phone number. If you need me, be in touch with me. After five weeks, as you can imagine, I have become very close with each child on the program, I want to see each and every one of them be successful in everything they do. Any way that I can help facilitate that success would be my honor.


I end with a Bracha. May we all be Zoche to have only Nachas and Mazal from our children. May we all have good health and happiness and may we merit to see the day that our children grow into the people that we daven for them to become. May we return to Artzeinu HaKedosha quickly and may we merit to dance together in the holy streets of Yerushalayim!


With much love,



Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel

NCSY JOLT Israel- Our Last Shabbos Together in Israel…

My Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,


What a week!!! It has literally been nonstop! The kids are running on adrenaline at this point. We know that our time together is quickly coming to an end together and we all feel the heaviness of that day coming. We don’t want it to end! I hear the conversations already of reunions and get together’s after the summer (which has become so much a part of the reality of JOLT Israel. The summer ends, but our deep connection with each other never does!)


Let’s begin with Sunday. Refreshed and well rested we all regrouped at Ramat Rachel. Hugs and smiles were the order of the day. Everyone came back refreshed and excited to be reunited with their JOLT Israel family. After packing up the buses we headed towards our first stop, volunteering in Yaffo in the “Amuta L’Kidum HaChinuch” “The organization for the advancement of education”. There we split up into two groups and we packed food for the needy and heard a talk from the manager there about poverty in Israel and why our work was so important. After leaving Yaffo we headed south to a little Yishuv called Nitzan. This is a very important place that I always bring groups to. It is there, in Nitzan, that a few of the refugees from the Gush Katif expulsion set up a small museum to remember the beauty of Gush Katif and the circumstances that divided a country. I specifically like the museum because it doesn’t focus on who was right and who was wrong. The focus is to talk about the beauty that was Gush Katif and the pain that was felt all over the country, especially amongst the soldiers who had to forcibly remove the inhabitants. The vivid images played out before us as we saw brothers on both sides holding each other and crying. It was not a proud moment in Jewish history and is still painful to watch. We finished our time there and made our way down to Masada which is where we have been for this past week (with the exception of one night in Eilat…I’m coming to it). We got to our very nice youth hostel in Masada and felt the heat hit us as we walked off the bus. We ate and relaxed.


The next morning after our typical routine we loaded the buses for a drive back up to the Shfeila (Beit Shemesh area). We started our day with grape picking. Straight off the vine. Huge green grapes, sweet like sugar!! We learned the Halachos special to Artzeinu HaKedosha. When picking fruit straight off the vine or the tree it can be eaten without having to be Mafrish Trumah or Maaser. However, once it is collected in a basket (like we had) they cannot be eaten without first separating Trumah and Maaser. We were Mafrish everything together and obviously took the opportunity to stomp on the grapes in a wine press and make fresh grape juice.  After lunch and Mincha we did a 12 kilometer bike ride (on dirt bikes) through the Shfeila up towards Chirbat Etri, which are the remains of a second temple village, which was inhabited by Jews for about 800 years. The ruins include Mikvehs, a burial cave, a wine press, an oil press, and hiding caves from the Bar-Kochba revolt in 132 CE. Everyone returned back at our hostel at about 9:30 P.M. and after dinner and Maariv some braved their exhaustion to join our first part of a several part series exploring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in depth.  


Tuesday morning was another awesome day, as I’m sure you suspected!  We did an awesome hike called Ain Ovdat. A desert hike with the most amazing views. The quiet, the hot breeze, the enormity of it all really allows one to reimagine themselves and their place in this vast world. I wasn’t able to go on the hike but I did have the opportunity to take in the majestic view and all I can say is “Baruch SheZachinu!!”. From there we went to Sde Boker where we visited Ben Gurion’s Kever. We learned about him and his life’s work. He was an impressive individual with a legacy that we all enjoy! We even got a tour of his house. It was really interesting, so humble and simple. I was particularly impressed with his expansive collection of Seforim. Yotvata rest stop, about 30 minutes outside of Eilat. All of the milk, yogurt and ice cream is made fresh from their cows. It was awesome! Finally we made it to Eilat. We unloaded our stuff, ate dinner, davened Maariv and went to the boardwalk where we gave the kids some free time. The truth is, it was such a nice evening, not too hot, with a soft breeze off the sea. It was good for the kids to have some alone time. They walked around, shopped a bit and took advantage of the stores. One interesting thing is the sheer number of religious Jews that frequent Eilat. It’s really unbelievable. I remember years ago you could hardly find a kosher restaurant. Now!!! You can hardly find one that isn’t Mehadrin.


Wednesday morning there was an early morning optional hike up Har Tzfachot. One of my favorite hikes in all of Israel! It’s not the physical exertion which is also great (feels like an hour and half on the stair master), but the sight when you get to the top is something that is tough to explain. I’ll try…Imagine the red, arid and rocky desert mountains all around, with the crystal blue water of the Red Sea glistening down below. On one side is Israel, the other side is Egypt, across the sea is Jordan and then farther down in the distance you can see Saudi Arabia. It’s wild!! We came back to our rooms, and got ready for davening. After Shachris and breakfast we loaded the buses with our luggage and went to our separate beaches for water sports. The cool refreshing water was a welcome addition to the hotness of the day. After water sports we took out bus to the famous Ice Mall for lunch and then loaded it for our return back to the Masada guest house where we were staying.


Thursday after Davening, breakfast and Chaburas we headed out towards the Vidor desert agricultural center for an interactive tour of some awesome agricultural innovations that is truly making the desert bloom. After spending some time at the visitor center we went to Yerucham and chilled in the park with some residents who taught us how to do basket weaving. It was actually really cool and a ton of fun. The kids had a great time doing it and I just love giving them these out of the box experience that are so unique. In general I like exposing the kids to as many unique cultural experiences as possible. Not only is this trip a once in a lifetime experience, but the experiences are also once in a lifetime. The cultural exposure that they have had over these five weeks will make each and every one of my JOLT Israelers more cultured individuals which I hold in general is an important thing. From Yerucham we drove to a special spot called Snapir HaKatan. A beautiful but not too intense uphill hike that gives you a gorgeous birdseye view of the Machteish (the natural crater in the Negev.) We returned to Masada and made our way to dinner, followed by dinner and some chill time.


This morning we had an optional early morning hike up Masada to see sunrise. The kids came back from an awesome hike, we davened and then ate breakfast and loaded the bus. We went straight to the obligatory Dead Sea stop. No trip to the South is complete without it. I explained to some of the kids that when it’s really hot outside going into the Dead Sea is like walking into hot Chicken soup (with A LOT of salt)! From there we went to Arad and stopped off at a store for the kids to buy Nosh for Shabbos. Some of us opted to spend that time getting Pizza Hutt instead. We continued our trip to a beautiful and quaint Kibbutz Chafetz Chaim. We got here a little while ago and the kids have been relaxing and hanging out together. Keep in mind what I told you, they are literally trying to make the most of every minute together, knowing that Tuesday we go our separate ways.


One of my favorite things about working with NCSY Summer is the honor that I have, to give these kids a wholesome summer experience where they can just be kids. So much of what they are bombarded with in life is so advanced and pushes them to be adults before they are ready. Coming on JOLT Israel reminds them that it’s ok to have fun and be a teenager and the craziness and peer pressure that they experience in their respective schools doesn’t have to be their reality. For just a a few weeks they can focus on who they are, learn about themselves and do so in a safe environment.

NCSY Summer, Great kids, wholesome programming, clear goals and an amazing staff is the recipe for true success.


I am going to get ready for Shabbos because we have our last pictures together in just a little while. I am looking forward to being in touch soon with a recap of Shabbos. We have a few more days of fun and then our memories are what we take with us. Thank you all for believing in me and  JOLT Israel and what we are bringing to the table. I have seen tremendous growth among every single one of my kids and I truly believe that each their lives have been enriched for the better. I am truly blessed to be a partner with each and every one of you and of course so have built such a deep and meaningful realtionship with each one of my JOLTers! 


Have a beautiful and sweet Shabbos.


With warmest wishes


Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel