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About The Trip

One Important Clarification


I apologize for the brief addendum. Sunday morning, the drop off location has been changed in order to facilitate a smoother transition for the kids and also to allow us to maximize our time together. The drop off will remain at 10:00 A.M. for all JOLT Israel participants. However, the drop off will be at the hotel in Ramat Rachel on Sunday morning and NOT Har Hertzel.  

Thank you and have a good Shabbos. 

-Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, JOLT Israel 

NCSY JOLT Israel- Free Shabbos and Some Brief Meaningful Reflections

My Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,


I hope this email finds you well. The kids all got to their host homes safely Baruch Hashem and are looking forward to time with family and friends. I want to tell you about yesterday and I also want to share some reflections with you from the past few weeks.


We began our day yesterday in Har Hertzel. We spoke to the kids about the fact that Har Hertzel is more than just a soldier cemetery, it is a place which represents true Gevurah. There is a beautiful story told about R’ Shlomo Zalman Aurbach ZTVK”L, as told by Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau.  “Every day, someone would drive Rabbi Auerbach from his home in the Sha’arei Chesed area of Yerushalayim to his Yeshiva in Bayit Vegan. The Rabbi would occasionally ask the driver to pull up for a few moments outside Har Herzl, the burial site of Israel’s fallen soldiers, where he would recite Tehillim. Why did he do this? A student once approached him and asked for a timeout from his studies so he could travel north to pray at the graves of the tzaddikim (righteous people). Rabbi Shlomo Zalman looked perplexed but didn’t immediately answer. Sensing hesitation from his rabbi, the student elaborated, explaining he had some personal issues to think through and he felt praying by the graves of the righteous would help. Rabbi Auerbach replied that he fully understood what the student wanted to do and why he wanted to do it, but could not understand why he would travel four hours to pray by the graves of a few tzaddikim when there were thousands of them buried on Har Herzl, just five minutes from the yeshiva!”


This was the message I wanted to convey to the kids. It was a place of Kedusha, but then we came to the plot of the Lamed Heh. It was in this place, that I told them was, in my opinion Kodesh HaKadoshim. The Lamed Heh were a group of 38 soldiers who walked by foot on January 16th 1948 to try and bring supplies to the besieged Jews in the four settlements of the Gush Etzion Bloc. One got hurt and was taken back by two others. The remaining 35 continued walking through the night and saw an old Arab woman and allowed her to live (even though protocol would have been to kill her). She told the Arab villagers about the Jewish soldiers and the Jewish soldiers were surrounded. After using up all their supplied and ammunition they were brutally maimed and murdered, 12 of whom were beyond recognition. After receiving the bodies back, Rav Aryeh Levine ZTVK”L was asked to perform a secretive Kabbalistic ritual called the Goral HaGra and was able to accurately identify all 12 soldiers. I spoke about the Gevurah of these men and my own personal experience meeting the solider who got hurt and heard about his experiences. It was actually in 1996 when I was a Madrich on NCSY Kollel….


I also shared a different and powerful story of Gevurah. It is a story I heard from Reb Shlomo Carlebach. Here is the original: 

Take a minute and listen to this story!


After I finished with the story I challenged each of our kids to find an area of Gevurah deep inside themselves. I explained that for each person it is going to be different but it is the most important thing they can do to continue the amazing religious, spiritual and individual growth they have gained over these past four weeks.  We went to several other Kevarim and Yoel our amazing Madrich and Ben Book our amazing assistant director spoke about their personal stories and deep connections this that hallowed place.

After our very meaningful tour we ate lunch and then drove to Tel Aviv. It is important to me for the kids experience the out of the way cultural facets to Israel. We gave them some free time in the Shuk HaPishpishim (Flea Market) in Yaffo. Our goal was to see who could bargain down the shop keepers more. We actually had some pretty solid hagglers in our crew!  After a short stint there we made our way to our Tel Aviv drop off and then our Jerusalem drop off, albeit late due to some serious traffic.


The kids are all sending in pictures of run ins with other members of the JOLT Israel family. It’s amazing to see the chemistry that has been created. The bonds are strong and that’s how we like it!


Over the past four weeks I have seen tremendous growth in almost all of our JOLT Israel participants, religiously, spiritually and individually. The growth hasn’t been easy for everyone, and some are emerging slowly but I believe everyone has, to some extent, become more thoughtful, introspective and willing to learn about themselves and their relationships with God. I am thrilled to report that we have close to 70% of our kids who are actively involved in Chavrusa learning! That number is mind boggling and our advisors really get a massive shout out for that!! The educational leadership of Jed Zaslow has been spot on. His determination and desire to make sure that every child has what they need to be successful learners is as inspiring as it is effective. Our advisors give of their time in a way that is above and beyond what I could have hoped for. Every day that goes by I am more and more impressed with each and every one of them. Not to mention the chemistry that we all have as a team. It is truly unique and for this I as the director and the children are truly blessed! Ben, Jed Yonatan, Davida, Rachel and Hannah, Yoel and Alon, words can’t express how fortunate we all are because of your constant and selfless contributions.


I also want to thank all of the parents who have made the effort to be in touch with me thus far, so that we can collaborate together and work through situations that arise. It has been amazing for me to work together with all of the parents as closely as I have. Part of my educational philosophy is working towards educating the whole child. That has many different meanings for many different people. My personal take on it is that educating the whole child in 2018 MUST include the parents as well. When parents and educators work together in a true partnership, the children are the most successful. Ashreichem to all of you!


We are going into Shabbos soon and I am looking forward to a recharge so that we can finish off this beyond perfect summer stronger and better than ever before!


I want to wish you all a good Shabbos, a relaxing Shabbos and the Yishuv HaDaas to know that each of your children are reaching levels and heights of unprecedented proportions. It is a Zechus to help facilitate the growth of each and every participant on JOLT Israel. Ashreichem and Ashreinu!!  


With warmest wishes


Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel

NCSY JOLT Israel- So Much To Share With You!!

My Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,


Wow!! I have so much to speak to you about. Full disclosure: I really do try and write each night to you but as you can imagine things are ALWAYS happening, the kids need me and time is so scarce when trying to do this right. You all know me pretty well by now and every NCSYers health (emotional and physical), safety and well-being always comes first. So I am sure you understand why sometimes there is a lapse of a day or more.


I want to fill you all in on Shabbos, Tisha B’Av and the last two days that we spent in Yehuda V’Shomron and the Gush. Today will be the last day in this very special and holy area of our Jewish ancestral homeland. Each place was very important and very holy days in different ways.


Shabbos was amazing as usual. What could be bad? Amazing kids, amazing program and in Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh. It’s the recipe for perfection. We gathered before Shabbos for pictures and then made our way to the Kotel for a special Shabbos Chazon davening. The Kotel plaza was jammed!! I have never seen so many people there before. It was a beautiful mix of Yeshivish, Litvish, Tzioni, Chassidish, Sephardic, soldiers (from all different observance sectors) and visitors just dancing and singing. I loved it. My favorite thing to do is to just sit amongst beautiful Jewish souls and knowing that everyone is asking for the something real, davening to the same God and all connected to one another on the deepest level. It is that moment of profound Emes that I try to assimilate into my spiritual life. It is something I draw the kid’s attention to as well. In general, my educational Hashkafa is: We need to do, at the very least, as good a job of teaching love for Hashem as we do of teaching math or science or even Chumash. Love for Hashem is not a subject that can be taught. But in my opinion, for vibrant Jewish continuity, it is the most important subject to be learned!


In any event, the cool mountain breeze, the crowded plaza, and the sounds of davening set the stage for a magical moment of Achdus. After davening we walked to Aish HaTorah where we ate our Seudah. Can you imagine!!! Friday night of Shabbos Chazon and our view during the Seudah was that of Har HaBayis! It was beyond meanigful. The Ruach, the love between all of my JOLTers. Just a big family spending time together. What could be better?! We gave the kids a choice after the meal to either sit and stay for an optional Kumsitz or go back and go to sleep. We had a nice showing of about 15 kids at our optional Kumsitz. Shabbos day we davened, had Kiddush, Divrei Torah and then lunch. We davened Mincha and then the kids had time to sleep or just veg out. At about 5:30 there were optional Chaburas for those interested and at 6:30 we had Shalashudes. The fast started at 7:46 and the previous day I had gone through all the pertinent Halachos of this unique Tisha B’Av. After the fast began we all made our way downstairs and we sang a bit until after Shabbos. We said “Hamavdil” and the kids went upstairs to change their shoes. They all came down, we davened Maariv, I said the Bracha on Aish and we loaded our bus to the Herodion.


The Herodian is a very special place. I have been going there with groups for Tisha B’Av for the past eight years. What makes it so remarkable is that it is a palace fortress and a small town that Herod the great built into this hollowed mountain top between 23 and 15 BCE, and he is also believed to have been buried there. It was conquered and destroyed by the Romans in 71 CE. That means the Jews who were living there were the last to see the actual destruction of the Beis HaMikdash. In fact, the tradition is that they were able to see the flames light up the sky just 7.5 miles South of Jerusalem. We spoke about the place, and heard Divrei Hisorarus from Jed Zaslow, one of our amazing advisors and then heard Eicha. Afterwards, I spoke for a minute to frame the evening and we had a very emotional Kumsitz. We had many people join us including Chassidim, soldiers and Jews who live in nearby communities like Tekoa. It was a very special evening.


We returned back to our hotel and went to sleep. Sunday morning, we actually did something that I usually don’t do, but it worked out in a way I never could have expected. We had an early Tisha B’Av wake up. We started davening at 7:30. After davening we had each advisor speak prior to a different Kinnah and then for the first time ever we arranged for a tour of the Kotel tunnels on Tisha B’Av. I know what you are thinking and YES it was beyond inspirational! I was nervous about it, but it turned out to be beyond wonderful. I made it optional and most of the kids took me up on it. Some stayed back for various reasons but the kids that came got an experience that they will never forget. We saw new aspects of the exhibit including but not limited to actual stone that were lying on the floor broken form the day of the destruction. I took pictures and if you want me to WhatsApp them to you just reach out and I will be happy to. We had the opportunity to daven at the spot closest to the Kodesh HaKodashim as well. It was something so powerful!


We returned back to the hotel and the kids had time to sleep and rest after Mincha. At about 6:30 we left and made our way to the Kotel for the famous and much anticipated NCSY summer Kumsitz at the Kotel. Unfortunately, our bus was not allowed to turn and drop us off and due to tremendous traffic (normal for an hour before the end of the fast at the Kotel) we wouldn’t have made it for the Kumsitz. So…when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That’s exactly what we did, only our lemonade was sweet not sour! We went straight to Har HaZeisim. We sat together and watched the sun go down over the Judean mountains as we looked at Har Habayis from afar. We had a beautiful kumsitz of our own and I spoke for a few minutes about a question my father always asked, If Kamtza and Bar Kamtza were only pawns in the story and really it was the person making the party and the Rabbi’s who were at fault why aren’t they included in the name? Why do these guys get such a bad rap? It’s true that bar Kamtza went to the Roman authorities, but he was pushed over the edge! The Ba’al HaBayis who made the party is the most to blame and he isn’t mentioned at all!! I gave the kids a very important message and my own insight into this. It was a true Tisha B’Av message that my NCSY JOLT Israel kids were ready to hear. If you want to know more about what I said or hear the message, please feel free to WhatsApp me and I will be happy to share with you.


After our Kumsitz we davened Maariv overlooking Har Habayis. We made Havdala, ate a quick bite and loaded the bus for a drive into the Gush. We went to the Yekev Winery restaurant to officially break our fast and we did it for a very important reason. Due to the fact that many Americans are unfortunately scared to drive into the Gush, this Jewish restaurant proprietor does struggle a bit. Rather than run to eat as quickly as possible, as leaders we need to look outside of ourselves and our surroundings and see what we can do for others. So we went to this restaurant for dinner. The taste of Chesed, mixed with fresh baked bread, pizzas, pasta and salads goes together perfectly!


Sunday morning after breakfast we had a talk by tech guru Hillel Fuld. He spoke to our kids about how he got started, why he got started and the important role Israel plays in technology around the world. It was an awesome lecture. The kids were involved and engaged and took a tremendous amount from it. We left the hotel and made our way out the Shomron and took half the kids Sheep herding in the Yishuv of Itamar and the other half to a beautiful overlook called “Shloshet Yamim”. A magnificent spot in the Shomron where you can see the Mediterranean Sea, Dead Sea and the Kinneret. After Itamar we traveled to Har Gerizim and went to an overlook, looking out at Shechem and specifically Kever Yosef HaTzadik. We saw the original Shechem, the Mizbeach set up by Yehoshua and of course the Kever of Yosef HaTzadik. We spent a few minutes learning about the site and we davened Mincha there. The power of that place. Deep in the Shomron, mountains all around and we were standing over one of the holiest sites in the world. Makes you pause and appreciate so much….


We made our way back to Ramat Rachel, ate dinner and had one of the coolest night activities EVER!! We brought in a Na Nach van and danced outside to Breslov Techno. It was amazing. The kids loved it, they went wild and we all got a chance to dance on the roof in typical Na Nach style!!


Tuesday was yet another homerun! Our morning began (after davening, breakfast and Chabura’s) with some time working in Oz V’Gaon. A park in the Gush set up in memory of the three boys who were kidnapped and killed several years ago. We had an opportunity to work the land a bit. Our job was to pick up wood and help create a clearing as well as to ensure that if God Forbid there was any sort of fire, there would be no wood for the fire to spread. It was hot outside and it was tiring but I am really proud of the many kids that rolled up their sleeves and got involved. It was an awesome leadership opportunity. We ate lunch and then made our way to visit our holy grandparents: Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Sara, Rivka and Leah. We spent a few minutes outside speaking about the holiness of Hevron and Ma’aras HaMachpeila. It was quiet and beautiful outside and really special to see so many Jews coming to daven there during Israel’s Bein HaZmanim.  We davened Mincha inside and gave the kids a few minutes to daven by whomever they felt most connected to or all of them. It was a very holy experience. After Hevron we drove to Tekoa (right next to the Herodion) and we did an amazing hike called the Haritun caves. It was about a 30-minute walk down to the start of the spelunking site. The cave complex is the longest and largest limestone cave in Israel. It’s over 37,000 square feet with almost three miles of tunnels!! We obviously didn’t do it all but what we did was amazing. All around on the mountains were old stone structures, some of which dating back 3,000 years! We got back to the hotel at close to 9:00 P.M., had dinner, davened Maariv and hit the hay!


Today was our last day in the Gush and it was beautiful. We began at the Kfar Etzion sound and light show exhibit, where we learned about the holiness of the Gush both in biblical and contemporary times. It will actually connect beautifully to our trip to Har Hertzel tomorrow when we speak about the Lamed Heh. After the sound and light show I took the kids to one of my favorite spots in the entire country (I know I say that all the time) the Lone Tree. It was a powerful moment where I gave perspective of where we were standing and the history of the place and the tree, and I spoke to the kids about choices in their lives. Embracing their destiny as individuals and members of a people and on the flip side living the history of the Jewish people. Ask them about the difference between the Olive tree and the Oak tree. If they were paying attention which most of them were I think you will be moved as well. The other thing that I put into context for them was the fact that they need to start figuring themselves out. They are going into 11th grade, they will be in Israel for the year in 3 years and some may even be married a few years after that. Everyone wants to stay a kid forever, but our important discussed was about accepting that we will not be kids forever and thus we have a responsibility to ourselves to understand who we are and what we are and start making sense of things. In today’s fast moving world, our children don’t have the luxury of having people wait for them to figure it all out. It’s real life and real life in 2018 is really different than real life even 20 years ago. That is all part of leadership. They heard the message and it actually started some really important conversations among the kids themselves. After The Lone Tree we made fresh soft pretzels in Kibbutz Rosh Tzurim. We learned about baking, Halacha and had the opportunity to eat some delicious fresh baked goodies.  


We got back to the hotel and we are getting ready for the much anticipated Yom NCSY!! The kids are doing great, the advisors are beyond amazing, and we are making sure to give each child what they need to thrive and feel fulfilled.  


In summation: THE.BEST.SUMMER.EVER!!!


A quick word about the free Shabbos. Our game plan is to be at our Tel Aviv drop off location the old Alozoroff train station by about 4:00 and at the OU center in Jerusalem on Keren HaYesod at about 5:30. That’s the game plan as it stands now. Obviously there are a million and one things that could hold us up. But I really want to be sensitive to all the people picking up the kids so we will try our hardest to stick to those times. Just let people know that they may need to be fluid. All NCSY JOLT Israel participants are to meet us on Sunday morning in the parking lot of Har Hertzel at 10:00 A.M.  Regarding cabs and busses I need an email or WhatsApp confirmation if you are allowing your children to travel that way. If you have any questions please reach out!


If you have any questions or comments (always appreciated) don’t hesitate to reach out.


Wishing you all Simcha and Yishuv HaDa’as.


With warmest wishes


Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel


NCSY JOLT Israel- Have An Amazing Shabbos From Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh!!

My Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,


I hope this email finds you all well.  Last we spoke it was the evening before our last day with the kids. It has been extremely busy and I have finally had a few minutes of down time. Our last day together was a somber one but also a day of strength and deep connection.  We traveled to Chaifa to meet with the parents and siblings of Simcha LaYeled. After a short presentation and video, we ate together and said our goodbyes. One of the things that struck me most was how the families felt so close to our JOLT Israel kids. I heard from so many of the parents that because of what we did they were able to realize how important it is to focus on the siblings of a sick child. They explained to me that very often the siblings are expected to do things that most kids their ages aren’t. They are expected to fall into line and to accept that reality without question. But most difficult is that reality, their story, is subsumed under the story of the sick sibling. These kids don’t have the opportunity to develop their own independent identity. We gave that to them. After the hugging and crying we said our final goodbyes and loaded the bus.


Our first stop was an hour in the mall in Teveria to just veg out. Form there we went up to Avnei Eitan, one of my favorite places in the entire country. It is a small Yishuv deep in the Golan. We went to a camp site with complete with Yurts, a field and of course a place for a bonfire. After Mincha we set up our areas (collected wood for our fire) and went to dinner. All the food is made fresh for us. We had a choice of Vegetarian Schnitzle, fried fish, rice, an olive sauce, green beans and of course a whole slew of fresh salads. From there we davened Maariv we got the fire started. We made s’mores and sat around enjoying the quiet. The only thing that was audible was the ongoing bombings of the Syrian civil war.  The kids started an amazing Kumsitz and I began speaking as a debrief of our time together with Simcha LaYeled. I spoke about the importance of creating space for people in life and even though we are blessed to be able to create our own stories, not every person can. Our goal on the program was to create this story for each one of our Simcha LaYeled children. My charge to each of my JOLT Israel kids was we need to do that for every person we meet who can’t create that stroy on their own. That is true leadership! Everyone deserves their own story and we have a responsibility to make sure everyone is the beneficiary of that. We went around and all the kids had a chance to speak about their experiences and take aways from their time in our camp. It was a powerful moment for all of us and it brought us all closer as a unit. 

On the topic of us coming to together even closer as a family. This does not mean that all kids are in the same friend groups even though they are all friends. That isn’t normal and it isn’t healthy. Many of the parents have been asking me to help clarify real questions about friend groups in general and specifically on the program. Such as how social reshuffling works and if it is healthy.  I want to make something clear. The kids on JOLT Israel are amazing. I have connected so deeply to almost all of them and I know first-hand just how amazing they are. Baruch Hashem our JOLTers are kind, they are generous, they are sensitive and they are solid Frum Modern Orthodox adolescents who make good decisions. It’s always a good sign when your children do the right things when they are not with you. It means that they have truly inculcated the values of their respective homes! Ashreichem


When kids, in large groups, find new and good friends amongst the pack and connect closely to them, that is very healthy. That is what we want to happen and that is exactly what’s happening on JOLT Israel. The normal social reshuffling that takes place during this time is taking place and it is happening in a safe and nurturing environment. As long as everyone is kind and nice to everyone else, which the kids are, it is healthy for adolescents to find their own peer group whom they can relate to and who can relate to them. That is part of what we call identity formation. It is a very important stage in development. When parents meddle in that aspect of development it can be debilitating long term because it doesn’t allow the kids to learn the requisite skills necessary to learn and navigate new social situations. Hence, this is why I always ask parents to speak to their children who go on programs like these, as little as possible. Too good is no good. Unfortunately, people who do not deal with children/education/psychology view these new friend groups as being cliquey.  Both educationally and psychologically the way it takes place on JOLT Israel is healthy and important for the kids. Parents who want more color on this should please feel free to be in touch with me. I would be thrilled to speak at greater length.


I must say, that almost all parents have been communicating with me throughout the summer and the large majority of those parents understand the aformentioned to be true. The feedback I have received from almost all of the parents has been amazing and overwhelmingly positive about the program in general and the fact that their children have been learning how to navigate new friendships and social situations. I am blessed to have the opportunity to help facilitate these deep and meaningful relationships between fantastic kids. My goal is to continue working with the kids in this area and I appreciate the parental support. That is what I call true partnership and it is an honor to be your partner.


Getting back to our recap…yesterday we woke up early, davened in the cool Golan weather, ate breakfast and made our way to do some amazing rappelling in Dalton, near Tzfat. It was an awesome experience for our kids to really move outside their comfort levels. I’m proud of all of them. We then traveled to Kever Rashbi, where Yonatan, our amazing advisor spoke for a bit and then we davened and gave the kids time for private Tefilla by the Kever. From Rashbi we traveled to Yerushalayim. After dinner and some time on Ben Yehuda to meet friends from different programs and celebrate a special birthday we davened Maariv and then went to sleep.


This morning we did Meah Shearim and each of the kids was treated to a sefer by the Lander college divisions of Touro College. There is nothing more beautiful than 48 kids getting excited about buying Seforim! We then went artifact sifting. It is actually an important activity because it allowed us to speak for a bit about the illegal building on the Temple mount by the Wakef and at the same time allowed us to connect with our history by finding things from the Beis HaMikdash and other time periods. It was actually a really meaningful pre-Tisha B’av activity. We went back to the hotel to unload our seforim and eat lunch and then gave the kids time to go to Ben Yehuda and the shuk.


We are back in our hotel now and getting ready for Shabbos. Soon will be pictures and then we walk to the Kotel for Maariv. We will be eating in Aish Ha Torah tonight and I am super pumped about our Kumistz at the Kotel!!


It’s going to be a very meaningful next few days and I look forward to being in touch with you again soon. May we merit to not fast this Sunday but rather dance and sing in the streets of Yerushalayim HaBenuyah.


With warmest wishes



Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel

NCSY JOLT Israel Day #14- Our Last Full Day With Simcha LaYeled

My Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,


I hope this email finds you all well. Today was awesome (As usual). It is our final full day together and I think we are all feeling it a bit. We didn’t do anything too exerting, but the things that we did were just perfect. On an aside, I have received some really beautiful emails from parents. Keep them coming, they are so meaningful to all of us!!


Just a quick word. There was a 24-hour bug going through some of our Simcha LaYeled campers and some of our JOLT Israel campers. It is almost done and IYH will be finished soon. I am hopeful that this is for good and that it doesn’t reappear. Either way, we are totally on top of everything and your children are in great hands!


Today we started out with a tour of a dairy farm in Avnei Eitan, a picturesque Yishuv in the Golan (where we will be sleeping tomorrow night). We saw how the milking process works from beginning to end. We fed baby cows, watched the cows get milked and made butter. It was actually a pretty cool experience. It was a small family owned milk farm and we got a good understanding of the inner workings. I am happy that our kids got a chance to see it and I am thrilled that we did it together with our Simcha LaYeled campers. So often in the milk industry there are stories of unethical behavior towards animals. Being that we went to a small family owned farm that focuses on the cows being milked without prodding, it is better for the cows in so many ways. I felt that it was just another sensitivity that was important for us to experience together as a group.


After finishing the milking, we went to Tel Saki, an important area in the story of the Yom Kippur war. It is a story of heroism and strength and one that we told in the actual bunker that it happened in. There is something powerful standing on top of that windy hill, old bunkers underfoot, Syria behind us and a massive Israeli flag blowing in the forefront. Very very Chazak!


From Tel-Saki we made our way to pick fresh nectarines and plumbs from an orchard. We learned about drip irrigation and general Halachot. However, before eating we had an amazing lunch. A traveling brick oven with fresh pizza made to order. It was amazing!!!!


We returned back and prepared for tonight’s talent show. It was wonderful! Our JOLT Israelers and our Simcha LaYeled campers performed together in an exciting show of harmony and beauty.


The tears are already starting to flow and we are anticipating a tough day tomorrow. It will be difficult to leave the kids that we have bonded with and created such deep connections. But I guess in many ways that is the best sign that this was tremendously successful.


I want to wish everyone a good night. May Hashem watch over all of Klal Yisrael.  



Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel

NCSY JOLT Israel Days #11,12,13 Amazing Few Days!!

My Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,


I hope this email finds you all well. So many amazing things have happened in the three days since we have spoken last. I am so excited to share them with you all. I, together with our AMAZING advisors have had the chance to really bond and connect with all of your children. They are each so amazing in their own way. They add so much to our program and I am thrilled that each and every person joined us for the summer. It’s crazy to think that we are already half way done with the summer. I told Nechama that one of my greatest Zechusim working with NCSY summer is to add to the number of children that we have. The Sifrei in Parshas V’Eschanan says “HaTalmidim Kruim Banim..V’Harav Karui Av” The students are called children and the teacher is called a parent. It’s my Zechus to have so many amazing children and I am honored in our short time together, to partner together with our parents!


The relationships that we have all made together and with our campers are strong and I think it is fair to say that we have all grown a tremendous amount thus far. We still have several days with our Simcha Layeled camp but the impact that it has had on each and every one of us to date is remarkable. More about that on Wednesday.


Shabbos was beautiful. We prefaced davening with our picture time (A very important and serious facet of our program), which led into a Leibadig pre-Shabbos ruach. We joined together with our NCSY BILT brothers for a rocking Kabbolas Shabbos and Maariv. The new director of BILT was an advisor for me on JOLT Israel our first year and his amazing wife was a superstar advisor for me on JOLT Israel last summer. (Just saying there may be some serious Segulah power being an advisor on JOLT Israel)… The Seudah was awesome and we had a wonderful Tish led by Ben and Rachel (dressed up like a Chissidishe Rebbe and Rebbitzen). Shabbos morning we started davening late so as to give everyone a bit more time to sleep. After davening Simcha LaYeled provided an amazing Kiddush! Seriously even by New York standards…I mean it wasn’t Fleishig but it was awesome! I told them next year herring, liver, hard salami and Cholent….We can only hope. Following lunch we davened Mincha and then everyone had free time. Some stayed to learn in Rachel’s Mishnayos Chaburah, others chilled with the Advisors, and others spent time with me speaking about current and relevant topics in Judaism. At 5:00 there was an optional walk with the Simcha Layeled kids around the reservoir. For those who chose not to go on the walk, there were mandatory learning groups. As I said to the kids, “Al Shlosha Divarim HaOlam Omeid. Torah, Avodah and Gemilus Chasadim.” If you’re not doing one you need to be doing the other. So either chesed or Torah. At 6:00 we all came together and our JOLT Israel kids ran games for Simcha LaYeled this took us to Shalashudis. We came together for singing, ebbing, Maariv and a beautiful Havdalah.


Follwing Havdalah our JOLT Israel kids ran back to their rooms and got shtick for what was to be an amazing dance and Pizza party with Simcha LaYeled! It was awesome!!! Simcha Ad Lev HaShamayim!  


Sunday was a full day! We started out with an awesome jeep ride that took us off the beaten path and allowed us to see Israel that is not accessible to most!  After “jeeping” we had lunch (fresh pasta and salads) then we made our way to a gentle water hike which was a relief from the blazing hot sun. The hike called Majrase is an amazing little excursion and one which makes you realize how amazing it is to have these fresh springs of cool water coming out of the dry parched earth. From there we went on a boat ride on the Kinneret. Boys in one boat and girls in the other, the Simcha Layeled kids were laughing and dancing and that made it all worth it! We returned to Chispin and had another amazing evening of night activities and hanging out.


I digress for a moment to say how refreshing it is to see young frum boys and girls speaking to each other and spending time together in a healthy and wholesome atmosphere. It’s so important and it’s something which I try and call attention to. No worries about any negative behaviors Bli Ayin Harah, just frum kids enjoying each other and being kids.


Today was another awesome day. We spent time in a chocolate factory with the younger kids. And we all met up at Tel Dan for a quick and gentle hike with a little pool of water for a water fight of course! For those brave souls who wanted to go on a 10-minute excursion, we walked with Yoel to actually see the ancient city of Leshem. Leshem was actually taken over by Shevet Dan who set up a Mizbeich there. The ruyins still visible till today. It’s actually pretty awesome. Many of the original structures still standing! The Mizbeach is actually a Machlokes as to whether to not it was Avodah Zarah. A complicated issue during a complicated and conflict filled time period. It’s really awesome when you think about it. Mamesh every step one takes in Artzeinu HaKedosha is like being in a time machine and being transported back to different eras. It’s living history!  


From there we headed to Har Bental. We heard an important presentation from Yoel as to the strategic importance of the Golan Heights and about its history. We also heard some of the very clear stories of Yad Hashem during Israel’s wars with the neighboring Arab countries.  Visible in the background were plumes of smoke from targeted Syrian strikes and the sounds of gunfire and bombing. These are all the unfortunate sounds and sights of the reality of a horrible civil war that has ravished a once beautiful country and is still raging there.   


Tonight, we had a scrumptious Milichig dinner and then movie night! The greatest showman and fresh popcorn! The kids loved it and sang along during the whole movie.


Tomorrow is another exciting day and I look forward to speaking with you then.

Have a wonderful evening.  



Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel

NCSY JOLT Israel Days #9,10 Keeps Getting Better!!!

My Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

Sorry about not reaching out yesterday but it was totally exhausting and I didn’t stop things from my end until late into the night. So today I will recap yesterday AND today as we go into Shabbos Kodesh in Artzeinu HaKedosha.

Allow me to say that I am so thankful for all of the emails that the parents are sending, saying that the kids are having the best summer of their lives in addition to the personal vignettes of life changing experiences to date. It confirms what we all know but the accolades are beyond appreciated and I am always happy to receive them so that I can share them with my staff. It is gratifying to know that our hard work is recognized by parents and children alike!

Lastly, thank you to those parents who took me up on my offer to reach out and ask me for further clarification on my comments about the dangers of over communication between parent and child and especially the general disturbing trend of phone addiction. Phone addiction is something that I have been speaking to the kids about and I will continue to speak to them about. Chaval Chaval that so many of our youth stare at screens all day and let the beauty of the world pass them by. I reiterate my offer. Please feel free to reach out if you would like guidance on dealing with this issue or just general questions or comments.

Yesterday was our first full day with our camp. Chasdei Hashem, as predicted it was a home run. After davening and breakfast we loaded the busses for our first Tiyul of the day: Nachal Snir. It was a cute little water hike that began with an awesome water fight. No hike can ever be bad if it starts with a water hike lol. We finished the hike together with our campers and had pizza delivered to us. The pizza was great. Typical Israeli pizza, thick crust, sweet sauce and not enough cheese. After a hike any pizza tastes like New York pizza…JK. The kids were excited about it and there wasn’t one slice left over so I am happy that everyone enjoyed.  After lunch we took a 25-minute drive to Kfar Blum where we broke up into groups and rafted down the Chasbani River ultimately leading into the Jordan river. The “instructions” were to stay in the rafts….that lasted for about 5 minutes and then it got fun!! Jumping into rafts, pirating them, more water fights and tons of laughing!! There is no better sound for the soul than the laughter of Jewish children. Just enjoying wholesome time together.

From rafting we went back to the bus and then back to Chispin. We headed straight to the lunchroom so that we can eat our last meat meal prior to Shkiyah. It was worth the rush. Fries, hamburgers and salads were eaten and enjoyed. Following dinner, I gave everyone an hour to wash up and change for the night activity: Minute to Win It, led by Ben Book! The kids had an amazing time.

This morning we davened and after a Rosh Chodesh davening we had breakfast and then went to the nearby historic town of Katzrin. We broke up into groups and had a tour of what it was like to live in a village during the time of the Gemara. We made fresh grape juice…don’t ask how…and don’t as if we drank it…. We made fresh Pita, saw an actual olive press, sat in the shul that’s still standing and had the opportunity to see what an actual house looked like during those times. It was actually really interesting the way our guides wove Torah, Gemara and history into the tour. Following the tour we had fresh falafel delivered to us. Our Simcha LaYeled kids left back to Chispin so that they can meet up with a quick visit with their parents before Shabbos. You have to remember this type of construct if virtually foreign for Israeli families. They don’t send their kids away. So they there was an expectation to see their children before Shabbos. We will see if it is successful or if that piece needs to be tweaked for next year. In any event, after the Simcha LaYeled kids left we went to a supermarket so our kids could buy Nosh for Shabbos.

We are currently back in Chispin, everyone is doing their thing. Some kids are resting, others are playing with our campers, some are playing basketball and others are just relaxing in the gentle mountain breeze. In just a bit we are all going to get ready for Shabbos, followed by our group pictures and then a rocking pre-shabbos ruach. Then 25 hours of Shabbos. We have a lot of amazing things planned for everyone and our JOLT Israel kids are going to be taking a big lead on programing tomorrow which should be really nice.

Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a Kedusha filled Shabbos. Being that it is the beginning of the nine days, it is a perfect time for reflection and introspection. Chazal teach us that the second Beis HaMikdash was destroyed because of Sinas Chinam (Baseless hatred). I bless us all that Hashem looks down on every one of us who have been so involved in JOLT Israel, not the least of which are our participants, and sees that we are doing our part through love and happiness in bringing a Tikkun for this sin of hatred.

May we blessed to all meet together in 8 days from today in Yerushalayim so we can dance and sing together as we welcome Moshiach and enjoy the rebuilding of our third Beis Hamikdash. Amen Kein Yehi Ratzon.

Good Shabbos Good Shabbos


Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel



NCSY JOLT Israel Day #8 Beyond Amazing Opening To Our Camp!!!!

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,


Today was a day full of emotion. Since last we spoke, we received our campers from Simcha LaYeled and the love and friendship is flowing. We received the kids at about 11:50 A.M. Israel time. You need to picture it. The bus pulled up, the music was blasting “V’Ahavtu”, the sun was blazing down and the positive energy was overflowing. We were all dressed in shtick i.e. costumes, hats, and lots of other fun things. The excitement was rocking we made a human tunnel as the kids got off the bus and ran through it. They were greeted by our JOLTers and taken to dance. I wish you would have seen it. Hopefully we will be able to get videos out to you. It was something amazing. I was overcome with great emotion and stood on the side, tears streaming down my cheeks. The love that flowed could be felt and so could the emotion. I was so proud of my JOLT Israel kids. They executed the plan perfectly. Everyone did everything exactly as it was supposed to play out!


I suppose you might be wondering why I place so much emphasis on the beginning. The truth is because it is the beginning that sets the tone and tenner of our experience together. Once we set the baseline where everyone is able to move out of their comfort zones the ability to free flow conversation with our younger campers is much easier. It also allows us to ensure that the tension level is taken down tremendously. For many of our children from Simcha LaYeled this is the first time that they have ever experienced anything like this. It is a very overwhelming experience in the beginning. The truth of the matter is that one young girl had to be taken home because it was too much for her to handle. Another one of the kids are with us lost a brother to Cystic Fibrosis, two months ago. It’s real life…and that makes what we are doing that much more powerful and profound.


After dancing our kids of the bus we took them to a field next to our multi-purpose room where we had fresh popcorn, cotton candy and slushies. We ate, listened to music and learned each other’s names. Then we all went into our multi-purpose room where I introduced myself and then introduced Yoel. I explained that our goal was simple- We are one family and our focus is fun! From there we broke up into four groups (these are our groups for the time that we are running our camp). We ran icebreakers, handed out our special Machaneh Hachi Achi (The name of our camp) T-Shirts, and water bottles.


Following that we went to lunch. A beautiful spread of salads, meats and several delicious side dishes. The food has actually been amazing this entire summer, but they really do it right for us!! Anyway, we went straight from lunch to our first trip together. It’s a gentle stroll call Ein Tina. There is a small stream that we walk through and a brief uphill climb to a little waterfall. The water was cool and refreshing as we walked through it. For those of us how stopped to rest while stepping in the water were treated to little fishing nibbling at our feet. It was really a nice light hike and a perfect opening activity for our camp. Upon returning from our mini hike we had a whole Tie-Dye activity for the kids. It was a lot of fun and our little campers loved it!!


From Tie-Dye we davened Mincha together as we always do. But this time we davened outside, on the soft grass, wind in our hair (not mine unfortunately, but the kids) breathing in the sweet smell of Kedusha and nature. It’s a pretty powerful combination for some awesome Kavvanah! We went to dinner and enjoyed our second meal together as a family. The food was great as usual and to be honest, underratedly, we are so lucky that we have our own dining room. It just makes everything much easier on all accounts. From dinner we actually were able to get a live feed to watch the semi-finals of the world cup together with our Israeli campers. It was actually pretty cool and soccer is much more interesting than traditional American sports. We finished the evening with Maariv and a Sachnash (Sichat Nefesh) a meeting where we all shared our feelings on this very emotional day. Every child had the opportunity to share their feelings with our group. One of the things that I do from the beginning is create a safe place for people to share ideas, thoughts and feelings in general. No judgments ever. This is particularly important for evenings like this when the kids share things with their friends that may make them look or feel vulnerable. Baruch Hashem, everyone maintained the highest level of maturity (I would expect nothing less). It was an important moment for all of us.


Tomorrow is our full first day with our campers and the bonds that have been formed will only increase. As I explained to the kids tonight, even though of many of them were concerned and continue to be concerned about the language barrier, so much more is said by a hug or a Frisbee catch than words can ever express. The language that we speak on JOLT Israel is love, understanding and friendship and that is a language that can be understood by everyone.


I wish you all a beautiful night with the deepest Brachot from the Holy Land.



Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel


NCSY JOLT Israel Day #3,4,5,6,7

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,


So many incredible things have happened since we spoke last and I want to fill you all in. As you can imagine it has been very busy and amazing few days! Shabbos was beautiful! Friday night we had our own dining room and the dancing and singing was Gevaldig! We followed a delicious meal complete with Sushi, with some ice breakers. The kids were doing an amazing job of meeting and learning about each other but they were really waiting for a more formal ice breaker. It was fantastic and helped them learn about each other in a more substantive way. We ended the evening with some free time to hang out. Shabbos day was really great. After davening we had Kiddush, followed by Round Robbin 5 Minute Divrei Torah. We went to lunch, davened Mincha and had Menucha. We had the Zechus of having Rabbi Ari Cutler, RAM in Yeshivat HaKotel and Rabbi Nosson Rich, Rebbe in Torat Shraga spend Shabbos with us. Rabbi Rich gave an introductory shiur on the importance of Chesed and what that looks like. It was an important first conversation for us to have with the kids. Motzei Shabbos we went out on the town for a little and gave the kids time to roam Ben Yehuda to buy some souvenirs and food (the big sellers were Pizza Hut and Moshikos)


Sunday morning, we davened, packed the buses and headed out for our first real hike, Nachal Amud. It was beautiful. I told the kids it was about a 4 on a scale of 1-10 in terms of difficulty, but it was tough for some of them. I am committed to teaching our kids the importance of believing in their ability to do things they never thought they could, to follow through on tasks and to take in the amazing feeling of accomplishment. The most rewarding feeling is to look out at the beautiful and holy view knowing that we climbed and walked and traversed over that majestic rocky terrain. After finishing the hike we went to a beautiful lookout at the foot of the Golan, overlooking the Kinneret. We spoke about the power of the Kinneret on a physical and spiritual level. It was so inspiring as we inhaled the clear air and watched the sun slowly set in the West causing the water of the Kinneret to sparkle like a million diamonds. We made our way to Chispin which will be our home for the next week and a half. After Dinner we had our Chaburah learning and the kids had free time to relax.


I am really happy to say that the kids are branching out and breaking into new social circles. For some it’s more difficult than others but that’s ok, everyone in the right time. The one thing I would very strongly suggest is to tell your kids to chill with whatsapping and calling home at the rate and frequency that they do. I cannot stress how unhealthy it is. The less time they spend time being in touch with you the more time they will actually learn how to have meaningful relationships with other kids be looking at them and speaking to them as opposed to using social media as a platform. As parents who grew up before social media and cell phones we take the skills that we have for granted. Don’t take it for granted. What I say is in your child’s ultimate best interests. If you have an individual question about what I just said or need clarification, please reach out.


Monday we had an AWESOME day of leadership training and pure fun. We began the day with raft building on the Kinneret. The kids broke up into groups and had to build a “seaworthy” raft with empty oil drums, bamboo and string. It was amazing to see the level of creativity and team work. The best part of course was taking it out and testing it. On a personal note, all my years of watching survivorman and Man Vs. Wild came in really handy…Nuff said! From there we went to lunch in Teveria at EL Gouchos. Typically Israeli “Al HaEish” Fresh hot Pita, grilled chicken and meat, Israeli salads. I am hungry just thinking about it!  After lunch we went to Tzfat and gave the kids free time to explore the shops in the artists quarter and hear about the history of this holy city. Some of the boys came with me and Yonatan (one of our amazing advisors) to the Arizal’s Mikveh and then to the Beis HaChaim. Just for your knowledge the way we worked the Mikveh was I went separately while everyone waited outside as did Yonatan. As is appropriate and according to highest level of responsibility and Tznius. We davened by the Kvarim of Chana and her seven sons, Rebbe Yitzchak of Tulchin (the son of Rebbe Nosson of Breslov), The Arizal and Rabbi Yosef Cairo. After leaving Tzfat we took the kids to Katzrin and brought them to one of my favorite supermarkets in the country!! They stocked up on Israeli Nosh and fruits and we headed back to Chispin. Later that evening after dinner, we met with the Simcha Layeled staff to discuss what Simcha Layeled is and why the chesed that we are doing is so important! We learned skills on how to deal with certain situations and general techniques.


Tuesday we had an optional hike to Nachal Kziv. 28 of our kids woke up at 3:30 and made their way to the bus for this amazing hike. We davened in the forest and then started our 10 Kilometer hike. Imagine walking through a winding valley stream surrounded by wild fig trees and grape vines, mint, lavender and wild raspberry bushes. It was wild!!! We even had one of our kids schlep a massive watermelon down for all of us to eat! We sang, learned Torah, fell, laughed and splashed each other in the water. It was awesome. The kids who stayed back were able to sleep late and catch up on the rest that they were missing. We who went on the hike came back at about 1:40, ate lunch and then we all relaxed in advance of our big day today! Last night we went through process and procedure for when the kids come today. We spoke about things that we should say and things we shouldn’t say and a review of general technique.


All of this brings me to this morning!! We are ready to go. The kids are psyched. We are dancing and singing, everyone is high energy and we are waiting for the kids to come which is about 40 minutes away. This is the moment we have waited for. This is the transformational experience that so many of the kids have been hoping for. It is an opportunity for them to move out of their respective comfort zones and change the lives of these children. One of the things that I spoke to the kids about was the fact that while the kids that we are dealing with seem intact and totally fine, the bottom line is that they really the most vulnerable in their family structure because they are often times fending for themselves. Our camp is designed for them to focus on themselves and be focused on. Just Simcha 24/7..Can there be anything better or deeper or more cleansing for the soul!!!


I will IYH be back to my daily write ups, but in the event that we go a few days without speaking please understand that it is not for lack of want, but rather me being extremely busy trying to make it all amazing and provide for your children and give them the BEST.SUMMER. EVER!!!! Please make sure that you are checking our Facebook pages for regularly uploaded pictures as well as our blog.


If you need to reach out to me at any time, please do so. I am here for you just like I am here for your children. In addition, our advisors are simply amazing and without them we wouldn’t be able to do any of this! They are the lifeblood of what we do and their commitment to making this amazing for each and every child is beyond inspiring. Our Israel staff is simple fantastic, Yoel and Alon, simply said the  best of the best! It goes without saying that all the little details that are so important for our daily function are taken care of by my Eishes Chayil Nechama! Ashreichem to everyone and to all of you. May we be blessed to work together to give our children the skills and experiences to be next leaders of the Jewish people!!


Wish us luck we start our journey today. All of our preparation comes down to this! My NCSY JOLT Israel kids are going to rock it out of the park!!! I believe in them!


With Love and Bracha from the holy land and Our one true home,


Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg

Director, NCSY JOLT Israel

NCSY JOLT Israel Day #2- Still Exhausted and Looking Forward To Shabbos

A Gitten Erev Shabbos My NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

Today was a beautiful day. We started off with Davening, Breakfast and then headed out to the Old City of Yerushalayim. Our first stop was Ir David. We learned about ancient Israel and many of its complexities. We saw much of the archeological findings there and then walked through the old water tunnels that date back to over three thousand years!

After walking through Chizkiyahu’s tunnel we made our way up to the Kotel and gave the kids some private time. One of the most beautiful things about it was that we had 5 NCSY JOLT Israelers, who have never been to Israel before and thus never been to the Kotel before. We danced them all the way down to the ancient walls. It was truly a sight to behold. From there we ate lunch which was delicious Felafel and then jumped on to the bus for a quick stop in Machaneh Yehuda. 

We got back to the hotel had some rest time and we are almost ready for our traditional Pre-Shabbos pictures.

It’s going to be an amazing Shabobs, I can feel it!!!

Wishing you all a beautiful sweet Shabbos from Holy Yerushalayim.

-Rabbi Weinberg