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About The Trip

NCSY JOLT Israel Day #1- Exhausted, Excited and Ready to Roll

Shalom NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

It’s 1:30 A.M. Israel time and we are exhausted. But I wanted to drop a quick note to tell you about today. From Airport to airport was exceptionally smooth. Everyone was were they needed to be at the right time and in the right place. We landed in our beautiful and majestic homeland and made our way through costumes and then baggage and finally to our bus. We loaded the bus, we found our seat mates, and headed up to Yerushalayim. This evening I wanted to take the kids to see Har Habayis from a lookout point. We drove up to Armon HaNatziv to the Hass Promenade and were enthralled by the most beautiful sights. The glittering lights of Yerushalayim, the cool breezes blowing on us and invigorating our souls and 48 amazing and special Jewish teens getting to know each other and bonding. 

We had a BBQ waiting for us with honey -Mesquite wings, Chicken cutlets, Hot Dogs and burgers. Of course no Israel BBQ is complete without Israeli Salad and Chumus (I need to teach the kids about the importance of eating more vegetables)!! In any event, after we ate we went closer down towards the view point for Har HaBayis. Rachel Fried one of our amazing advisors walked the kids through the process of tearing Kriah and recited the special Pasuk together with them. We davened Maariv together, went to SuperPharm for the kids to buy their toiletries and we headed to our hotel for the next few days, Ramat Rachel. It is a beautiful hotel on the grounds of Kibbutz Ramat Rachel. There is a lot of history in this place and I hope to have the opportunity to go through some of it together with them tomorrow.

We have a big day tomorrow with davening beginning at 7:30. If you have any questions or comments you know how to reach me. Every thing is great, the kids are fabulous. Some are a bit anxious but that will subside overtime as they make new friends, get used to our style and when they take a step back and realize that they are truly blessed to be on JOLT Israel!

I am looking forward to speaking with you before Shabbos.

Have a great night everyone. From the beautiful rolling hills of Jerusalem our holy and undivided capital of the state of Israel. 

Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg


Our Last Shabbos in Artzeinu HaKedosha

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

I am writing to you from Kibbutz Alumim shortly before our last shabbos together in Israel. We are staying in this picturesque Kibbutz together, as a family, away from distractions and other people. It allows us to focus on ourselves for one last meaningful Shabbos together. This past week was amazing. It was the culmination of everything that we tried so hard to instill in the kids and Baruch Hashem it was beyond my greatest hopes. 

This week we got a taste of some amazing things unique in large part to our program. We spent time in Har Hertzel, Caving in Bar Kochba caves and bike riding in the Shfela (lowlands) near Beit Shemesh. We went down South to do the Shvil HaSalat and spent time Erev Tisha B’Av at the Gush Katif Museum which was amazing. Eicha and Kumsitz at the Horodion which was an amazing experience for all of us. I spoke a bit and so did Rabbi Rosenfeld. We focused on the unique history of the place as well as why it was so important to be there. Tisha B’Av we did our own thing in the morning and then had an awesome shiur on leadership from Rabi Gabbi Weinberg from the Tikvah fund. We had free time and then loaded the buses to Jerusalem to join all the NCSY groups at an amazing Kumsitz. We broke our fast by the bus and then went to the Yekev winery for a delicious break-fast! I explained to the kids that the reason why it was such an amazing thing to go there was because, places in the Gush suffer from the recent wave of violence. We are blessed to help give someone Parnassah as an act of Chesed immediatly following Tisha B’Av!! Soo Powerful!

On Wednesday we went grape picking in Lachish and learned about Terumah and Maaser as well as how our holy forefather in Israel used to make wine! We continued to Tel Aviv and went to Beit Hatefutzot for a brand new exhibition on leadership, spent some time in the mall after that and then went to YOM NCSY! It was awesome! From YOM NCSY we loaded the bus and drove down to Eilat. We got to the hotel, slept for a few hours and then did water sports and boat rides to the middle of the Red Sea to go swimming! We spent some free time on the boardwalk and then this morning woke up super early for an amazing, optional hike up Har Tzfachot. From there we went to Kibbutz Lotan which is an Eco freindly Kibbutz in the Arava. We continued to drive up to Alumim which is a beautiful Kibbutz Dati in the South. 

I am so excited to spend Shabbos together with the kids but I am sad that this is our last time (before the reunion!!!) They were an amazing group of kids and I am blessed to have become close with each and every one of them. I am looking forward to a shabbos of love and warmth as are the kids. 

I wish you a sweet and healthy Shabbos from the Holy land.

With warmest wishes

-Rabbi Weinberg

Our Second To Last Shabbos- In Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

I apologize for the lack of correspondence this week. It’s been nonstop as I am sure you are hearing from your kids. I don’t have words to describe the levels we are starting to reach. We have hit all the normal familial milestones which is perfect. It means that the next week and a half that we have left together is going to be extraordinarily moving and emotional. Baruch Hashem we are doing it right and the kids are the great recipients. The growth that I have seen with so many of our JOLT Israelers is amazing. You have probably noticed it as well. We have had some hard hitting conversations and the kids are internalizing these lessons. The lessons will continue and so will the learning and growing! 

This week was amazing We spent time learning about Old Yafo, Water skiing in Tel Aviv, independence hall, the famous Shuk HaPishpishim, in Shilo at the site of the Mishkan, meeting the Samaritan high priest on Har Bracha, sheep herding in Itamar, Mincha overlooking Shechem and Kever Yosef HaTzaddik, taking a tour of Chevron, worked in Oz V’Gaon clearing rocks and brush for trees to be planted, handed out food to soldiers in Yehuda V’Shomron, heard a fantastic shiur from Rav Shachter about leadership and had time to ask Sheilos, Ir David, Chizkiyahu’s tunnel, Tour of the Rova, night time Kumsitz overlooking Har HaBayis, artifact sifting, Kotel Tunnel tours, Stand With Us- Israel advocacy, Meah Shearim, Givat HaTachmoshet….I am exhausted just going through everything!! This is just one week!! It’s absolutely mind blowing. 

Yesterday was amazing, due to the generous donation of a benefactor everyone was able to choose a Sefer of their choice. The kids loved it and so did we. We tried to match each kid up with the Sefer that fit them.

This Shabbos we are in Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh. We will be davening at the Kotel tonight and eating at Aish HaTorah. After the meal we will be having a special program at the Kotel. I am looking forward to telling you about it. 

This summer has been just magical. The ingredients are perfect, the advisors are beyond amazing and we love the kids like our own children. It’s a beautiful thing when I hear the kids telling me that they don’t want the summer to end.  Truth be told…neither do I!

This is going to be an intense week of emotional ups and downs, but we will be the lucky beneficiaries of everything this emotional rollercoaster has to offer. 

I want to wish you all a sweet and beautiful Shabbos from the holiest city in the world. May we only hear good news and calm.

With warmest wishes

-Rabbi Weinberg


Have A Great Shabbos- Thank you for this honor!!

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family!!

I hope this Erev Shabbos email finds you well. Everyone is at their host homes safe and sound but to be honest I miss them all terribly! We have become such a tight knit family that a Shabbos apart becomes very difficult. I have received messages from almost all of my JOLT Israelers and there is a common theme. They are having the summer of their lives and they truly feel like we have created a true family!!! Baruch Hashem!

Our time with Zam Zam came to end this past Wednesday morning and after over a week of fun we had to say goodbye. It was a difficult day for everyone. We went to Chaifa to go bowling and  jump on a massive indoor trampoline and after we got our last moments of laughter we said our goodbyes. There were tears and hugs, dancing and singing and overflowing love. I cried and laughed at the beauty that we created together. It is magical and it will stay with all of us forever!

The emails from parents of the Zam Zam kids keep pouring in. They are painful and beautiful, but more importantly full of thanks for everything that we did. It’s interesting, no matter how much of an impact you think you will or did make, sometimes the things we do have the power to actually shake the heavens.  So many stories…

One boy from Zam Zam sent a text to some of our kids saying that he loved the camp so much. The reason being because when he is home his little brother who came to the camp as well, never smiles or laughs. For over a week he watched him laugh and play like a little child again.

Another child said to me “I hope my brother gets better, but if he doesn’t I need to be part of this camp again!!” 

After leaving the Zam Zam kids we traveled up to the Golan to a special place called Avnei Eitan. It is a camp site that we happened to have all to ourselves. Our custom is to go straight to Avnei Eitan away from everyone and everything the day we end camp. We make a massive bonfire and we all debrief. We unload all of our emotions, thoughts and feelings about our time with our Zam Zam kids. Everyone speaks and has an opportunity to share. It was so important for all of us and it is a serious and profound moment as we take a step further to bonding together as a family.

Yesterday we had an awesome day rappeling at the Keshet cave. It was awesome.  After rappeling down about 30 meters we hiked back up the mountain. I was proud of many of the kids who conquered their fears. It is not an easy thing to do…

From there we went to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and dropped the kids off for their free Shabbos.

It’s been an amazing 17 days. We continue to transition into stronger people, stronger Jews and more sensitive humans. I am so proud of each and every JOLT Israeler. I have seen tremendous growth in so many areas. No one has grown in the same areas and that’s perfect. I am working hard to teach each one of our kids to embrace their individuality as well as to help facilitate their spiritual and religious development as Bnei and Bnos Torah as well as leaders! At this point in the summer and certainly in light of the great success that we are enjoying I would be remiss not to mention several people whose involvement is essential.

I am blessed to have the honor of leading this amazing trip with such amazing kids. However, it would not be possible without the hard work of my assistant director Rabbi Josh Rosenfeld whose wealth of knowledge and Torah, and dancing skills are beyond impressive in addition to so many other things.  Our amazing advisors Eliana, Avigayil and Fink as well as Ben and Jed  make the program what it is. Without their care, concern and constant involvement this program would never be as amazing as it is. They are gems and we are blessed to have them. Obviously, my holy wife Nechama deserves tremendous credit helping to deal with the many behind the scenes issues including but not limited to building the activities with our Israeli tour providers. Without her involvement we would never be able to do what we do. Our Israeli staff Yoel and Alon are beyond words amazing. They are 100% part of our program in very sense of the word and more importantly ensure that every need is met at all times. We love them. Lastly, none of this would be possible without David Cutler who is the life force of everything that is NCSY summer as well as his amazing staff!!

Thank you for entrusting your children to my care and giving me the honor of helping to take them to the next level. 

Wishing you a sweet and beautiful Shabbos from the holiest city in the world, may it be rebuilt and restored to its former grandeur speedily in our days. 

-Rabbi Weinberg


Amazing Update- We Are So Blessed!!

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,  

I hope this email finds you well. We are doing absolutely amazing!! Maybe even more than that…. Our lives have been enriched by the tremendous Chesed that we have been Zoche to be involved in over this past week. We are looking forward to the next two days with our Zam Zam kids that we have grown so close with.

Friday was awesome!! We went wave jumping on speedboats in the Mediterranean with our Zam Zam Kids. The boys had some extra time so we took them to Rosh HaNikra. We got back to Hispin with just enough time to shower and continue our JOLT Israel ritual of taking pictures together before Shabbos. Shabbos was Mamesh Chazak! Many of us watched the sun go down over the mountains and listened to some beautiful Torah from Rabbi Rosenfeld. We walked together to our shul for an amazing Carlebach davening!! We danced and sang and I am convinced our Tefillos reached the highest levels of Shomayim. Our Seudah was delicious and hectic and perfect! The singing was beautiful! After the Zam Zam kids went to sleep we had a really spiritually uplifting Oneg with our JOLTers and the staff from Zichron Menachem.  

Shabbos day was something amazing. It was a time for our JOLTers to really shine! After Davening and the Seuda we davened Mincha and then our JOLTers spent time planning their afternoon activities for the Zam Zam kids. It was their show and they did it perfectly. Rabbi Rosenfeld, the advisors and myself were really proud of them. The large majority of our kids really participate beautifully. We went to Shalashudos and then ebbing. I spoke about Pinchas and leadership. I also spoke about using the opportunity in Israel to see the strength and talents inside of ourselves. (Obviously it was a bit more sophisticated then that). After Shabbos we had a moving Havdala and then a massive dance party then pizza! It was fantastic.

Sunday was such a fantastic day. I am seeing our JOLTers bond on an unprecedented level to each other and to their Zam Zam kids. We began our day doing Nachal Dan and having a massive water fight. We traveled from there to Kfar Blum where we got Hamburgers and fries delivered to us. Then we rafted down the Jordan river. We were sopping wet and exhausted but every single kids had a smile on their faces! We topped of this incredible day with a talent show. Everyone got involved and felt like a million bucks.

This morning we did Majardse and also had a massive water fight. No one was allowed to leave the water without being soaked. It was so much fun! We got lunch delivered to us and then went back to Hispin to shower and change. From there we traveled to Tiveria where the boys and girls split up for a boat ride dance party on the Kinneret. So many smiles, so much laughter, so much beauty! From there we went to El Rancho for a delicious dinner together as a camp. For many of our Zam Zam kids this is the first time they have ever been to a fancy restaurant and it was a big deal for them.

Dinner was delicious and we came back for an awesome game of “Disco Gaga”. The Zam Zam kids loved it and we did as well. I wish you could have seen it. Throwing foam balls, falling on the floor laughing listing to music beautiful little children dancing to themselves and sliding on the floor, giggling. I stood on the side quietly taking it all in. Teary eyes and blown away I thought about how big it is that these children’s issues are a universe away. There is no focus on sadness or hurt, no abandonment or anger. Just happiness, laughter and love! Baruch Hashem we have such a tremendous Zechut to be involved in this holy work.Tomorrow promises to be meaningful as it is our last night together…

I want to discuss the free Shabbos for a quick minute. To clarify, the free Shabbos is THIS Shabbos (July 20th-July 23rd) it begins on Thursday late afternoon/evening and ends on Sunday morning. The schedule is as follows:

Pick up in Tel Aviv on Thursday will be at about 4:00 P.M. at the Arlozorov train station (formerly called the Rakevet HaTzafon). Drop off in Tel Aviv will be Sunday morning at the same place at about 10:30 A.M. Pick up in Jerusalem will be at about 6:00 P.M. from the OU Israel center at 22 Rechov Keren HaYesod. Drop off is at 9:30 A.M. at Har Hertzel. If you have any questions in terms of timing, please feel free to call us at 054-9191983 to check in.

Parents- I need you to just send me an email saying that your child’s plan is set, that you spoke to the host homes and they know it is this Shabbos and that you have arranged pick up and drop off. Please send this email to me ASAP. I need it by Wednesday.

I am looking forward to being in touch with you soon. Hopefully tomorrow…I want to thank all of the parents who have been responding to my emails with such amazing feedback. The JOLT Israel kids are doing beyond amazing!! We love them and they are loving the summer! Please don’t be shy and continue to share…It makes us feel good to hear from you that our hard work is translating into what the kids are sharing with you.

With the deepest Brachos from the Holy land,

-Rabbi Weinberg

Day #9 – Zichron Menachem

Shalom NCSY JOLT Israel family!!!

If I could paint today for you it would be the most beautiful mural you have ever seen.  The colors would mesh together and blend beautifully and perfectly into one another. This morning after davening and breakfast we organized our stuff and started to get ready for the arrival of our Zam Zam kids. One of the things that I spoke ot the kids about is the fact that people generally tend to gravitate towards the “big ticket” Chesed items. I understand it and I understand the draw. However, we need to to remember that our population that we are working with are the MOST vulnerable. They are 8 and 9 year olds who are taking care of their families and cooking dinner for their siblings and putting the younger ones on the buses while the parents sleep in the hospital with their sick sibling. Taking these kids and giving them a week of just fun is the biggest chesed and one that we should be extremely proud of. 

The energy was building and we did our own pump up impromptu separate dance party to get ready for when the kids come. We waited for them and as they pulled up we had cotton candy waiting for them and a speaker to blast music. We created a human tunnel and danced and sang with them. I thought I would get used to it for the second year but I still stood on the side and cried. It’s raw emotion and something that you just can’t understand unless you experience it.

We brought all the kids into our multipurpose room and after some quick introductions we ate lunch and then made our way to the busses for our first excursion to Jeep riding in the Golan. The kids loved it!! 

Upon return we ate dinner, davened and met for a little bit where Rabbi Rosenfeld and I had the opportunity to debrief with the kids and talk about heir reflections of the day. 

Tomorrow is another action packed day and I am excited to write to you and tell you all about it. Today we watched children emerge as young adults. We saw people who have broken down barriers and are learning to respect and love unconditionally.  This is very healthy development and they will continue to emerge more rapidly throughout this well. We look forward to what the future brings. 

With warmest wishes

-Rabbi Weinberg

Days 4,5,6,7,8 – SOOO AWESOME!!

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Family,

I hope this email finds you well. We had a wonderful, powerful and exhausting few days and I am excited to share them with you. It’s been very busy, with non-stop days and late nights. Currently we are gearing up for our Zichron Menachem (ZAM ZAM) kids coming tomorrow.

Let me give you a rundown of the past few AMAZING days!!!!

Friday night was a night of firsts and it was beautiful. Prior to our first Kabbalos Shabbos together we walked to a view point and watched the sun going down in the west. To be honest with you that in my opinion, there is nothing more beautiful than sunsets in the Holy land! After davening we had our Seuda together which was great. The Ruach was excellent and if it’s any indication of things to come we are in for a rocking summer!!! From our Seudah we went straight to our first oneg. I always love spending this time together because it is just wholesome goodness. It’s young teens, sitting around and enjoying each other’s company. We laughed the evening away until it got pretty late and then headed off to sleep.

Shabbos morning, we had a late wake up followed by davening, Kiddush, learning and lunch. After which we had free time before reconvening at Shalashudis. We then headed off to our first ebbing. It was perfect. We spoke about leadership, about second chances and about using this summer as an opportunity to grow. We also began the conversation of learning how to move outside of our selves. This is going to be a big deal especially once we start working with ZAM ZAM. The singing was so sweet and watching the new friendships develop was truly heartwarming. After an awesome Havdalah we got changed and headed off to Yerushalayim for some free time. We spent about an hour and then headed back to Kfar Etzion where we were treated to fresh pizza. It was great…. but not New York pizza though.. Just sayin..

Sunday morning, we packed up the bus and headed off for a full day. We began our day up North in Atlit. We learned about the plight of the early Jewish illegal immigrants that were coming to Israel before the war, during the war and after the war (World War Two).  Rabbi Rosenfeld, our amazing assistant director told the story of his grandmother who was in Atlit and then he actually found her name in the database. That moment brought it home for all of us. After Atlit we drove up to Teveriah and had about 45 minutes at the separate beach there. Walking to the bus in the intense Teveriah heat, we got a nice treat of ice cream. Super refreshing! Lot’s of interesting flavors and super fun to watch them start melting the second the air hits them. It was a battle of who would win first the heat or our mouths….

We made a quick stop at the Kever of Rebbe Meir Baal HaNeis for Mincha and then continued on to our new home for the next two weeks in Hispin. It’s a beautiful complex in the Golan with large and spacious grounds. There are actually a few other groups here for the next few days but you can hardly feel their presence and everyone kinda does their own thing. My personal favorite part of this place are the amazing sunrises and sunsets. They are magnificent…maybe even magical.

Yesterday was an amazing day! The kids were really itching to do a hike, but with the heat wave we are limited to what we can do and when we can do it. I told the kids that our option was waking up super early and doing a hike when it was still cool outside. There was a resounding yes and that’s exactly what we did. We woke up at 5:30, davened at 6 and loaded the buses for an awesome hike on Har Arbel. It wasn’t too difficult and it was mostly downhill but it definitely got the juices flowing. Throughout the hike Yoel, our Moreh Derech, explained the history of this ancient place. The history actually dates back to the time of the Mishna. It’s always cool when you can relate to a place and it has real meaning to our collective history as a people.

From the hike we made our way to Tzfat where we had an amazing tour of the old city and gave the kids some free time in the old artist’s quarter. When we finished in Tzfat we made our way to Tel Sakei for some army training. It was Awesome!!! We started with a history of the actually place and the pivotal role it played during the Yom Kippur war. Our first activity was an escape the room style game that took place in an old bunker. No flashlights, just feeling our way through the dark and more importantly, relying on one another to get there. It was a fantastic leadership and bonding experience. After making our way through the room and being part of a memorial for those young Jewish men who died in that battle we did our own army training. Parents: You should have seen it! It was amazing. Crawling on the ground, scratched up elbows, and covered in dirt the kids learned about hard work, pushing yourself to the limit and team work. Everything that JOLT Israel is about!

We returned back and ate dinner, washed up, learned a bit and relaxed until curfew.

This morning we had a late wake up and after davening we spent time starting to organize things for when the kids come tomorrow. We broke up into our bunks and made welcome signs and put together ice breakers. The kids are really excited for tomorrow and so are we! We broke for a little and then came back together for Mincha. From there we took a quick trip to Katzrin to the super market. The kids bought food and water for themselves and it was a nice little excursion which allowed us to see some of the beautiful Golan.

We had learning groups and then Maariv after which we broke our fast. This evening, we are watching the well-known movie “My sister’s keeper”. When the psychologist from Zichron Menachem spoke to us on Friday he suggested strongly that we watch it before we meet with the Zichron Menachem kids. Rabbi Rosenfeld will be wrapping it up and putting everything in perspective for us.

Tomorrow it all begins…The kids are pumped…we are ready and I know that our Zam Zam kids are going to have the time of their lives and will received the love and attention they crave so badly.

We are doing good things here….

I am looking forward to sharing tomorrows events with you. They will be powerful and beautiful. Tomorrow is the moment when your children transition.

With warmest wishes from Artzeinu HaKedosha

-Rabbi Weinberg    

Day #3- Powerful!

A Gitten Erev Shabbos My Heilige NCSY JOLT Israel Family!!

Today was a powerful day. After davening and breakfast, our awesome advisor Jed Zaslow began his summer “Story Chaburah”. He uses stories as a spring board to draw out important Hashkafic ideas. Beginning next week many more of the advisors will be starting their own unique optional learning Chaburas and learning with the kids one on one. 

This morning we met our Israeli chevra from Zichron Menachem who we will be working with while running the camp. It was awesome. Not only did we have a great time, but we reviewed some really important information regarding the kids who we will be working with and the things we need to be aware of. We heard from several different people and reviewed everything. There were ice breakers and an awesome lunch of fresh falafel that was brought to us. Today was powerful because it is beginning to hit home. Understanding that what we are doing together as a group is real and serious. We are going to be impacting the lives of hundreds of people through our act of Chesed and that can not be taken lightly.

After our meeting we took everyone to the Kibbutz store for food and drink if they wanted to buy for Shabbos. Also, those who were interested were able to buy Naot at the outlet store. We gave the kids some well needed down time and in about 15 minutes we will be gathering to take our pre-shabbos pictures. We have a beautiful and relaxing shabbos planned for the group and that time will be important. We have a big week ahead of us.

I hope you are starting to get some amazing feedback. From our end, the kids are coming together beautifully. They are making new friends, laughing, and spending time together. They are doing great. Many parents have asked me about the right amount of time they should be spending talking to their kids. The answer in short is: the less you speak to your kids the more they can focus on themselves, their growth and their experiences. I always like to remind parents: You know your children best. If they need more communication great, if they can deal with less, that’s even better. The most important thing to remember is that they need to learn to have these experiences on their own as much as possible. We had that opportunity before cell phones came a long and we need to give that to our children as well. Again you know your children best, this is just my general answer to the question that so many of you have been asking me over the past few days. I want to thank you for entrusting your children to me and our amazing staff.  I am looking forward to an amazing Shabbos with everyone. 

With warmest wishes for a beautiful Shabbos from Artzeinu HaKedosha,

-Rabbi Weinberg

Day #2…Awesome!!

Good Evening NCSY JOLT Israel Family!!!

We had an absolutely amazing day! The kids woke up on time, everyone was where they needed to be and davening this morning was smooth and sweet. We are blessed to have four Kohanim so we have a nice vibrant Birchas Kohanim each morning. From davening we went to breakfast where we had fresh made pancakes, egg omelets, hard boiled eggs, many different salads, cereal and some other stuff. Bottom line we ate well! From breakfast we actually went to an extraordinarily well done audio/visual presentation in Kfar Etzion telling the story of those brave young men and women who fought for the sovereignty of the Jewish people in Gush Etzion. It was engaging and moving and the kids really gained a tremendous amount from it.  fact a lot of what we did today was appreciate where we are in Israel. Most groups don’t have the Zechus to spend real time in this area and we are truly blessed. I don’t want the value and importance of this place to get lost on the kids. 

After leaving there we took a short drive to an overlook to see the monument of the 35. I am not going to go into the whole story but please make sure to ask your kids to relay the story to you. It is truly deep and tells the story of Gevurah on so many levels! We then had the opportunity to walk the Derech HaAvot and see a Mikvah from the time of the Beis HaMikdash. We also saw a legit milestone. Actually a stone placed strategically to tell ancient travels how far they actually traveled. We ended the walk at the famous Alon HaBoded/the lone tree. One of the more Chazak places in Israel (at least for me). It tells the story of the destiny of the Jewish people and this was a theme that I spoke about with the kids. The importance and the value that we need to place on making sure the decisions we make are those that will allow us to make a mark in this world and impact the destiny of the Jewish people. That my friends is Jewish leadership in a nutshell.  

For lunch we had an option of a shnitzle or Kabobs that were brought to us. Each one came with roasted potatoes and string beans.It was delicious. Well cooked, well flavored and filling. It was definitely not a strategic time for me to start my diet….

After leaving the Alon HaBoded we drove to Alon Shvut where we did something amazing. It was actually the first time for me as well. We went to a place called PAt BaMelach. It is actually a bakery where the owner gives classes on how to bake, specifically with a sour dough. We learned about the process and his story and then got to make our own delicious hot pretzels. We learned, ate, and then davened Mincha. From there we drove into Jerusalem and the kids had some free time in the Shuk. It was just a great experience to see our holy Jewish brothers and sisters hustling and bustling in preparation for Shabbos. It’s such a beautiful sight. 

We drove back to Kfar Etzion and came just in time for dinner 🙂 Chicken, Shnitzle, rice, salads….Lots of good stuff. The kids had some time to veg out and we rejoined for Maariv at 9:30 followed by learning groups.

Overall today was absolutely awesome. The kids are starting to bond together as a group. I just love watching them make new friendships. We are starting to have our own jokes, personalities and flavor. Today was nonstop with some many different experiences and messages that the kids were exposed to.  But don’t take my word for it, ask your children. Also, follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see pictures of happy kids, smiling and loving the wholesomeness of JOLT Israel! 

Have an amazing evening and I hope to write to you tomorrow before Shabbos.

With warmest wishes and love from the holiest place on earth.

-Rabbi Weinberg

AMAZING Day One!!!!!!

Good Morning NCSY JOLT Israel Family!!

I hope this email finds you well. It’s about 2:20 A.M. and I finally have a few free minutes before I go to sleep. I want to tell you that everything so far Bli Ayin Hara, has been smooth and fantastic. After getting through the ticketing in the airport, we chilled out together with pizza, soda and other goodies! We went through security together as a group and got to the gate. Our stay at the gate was vert short because we ended up on line to board about 15 minutes after arriving. We loaded the flight and had a wonderful and smooth plane ride to the Holy Land.

Upon getting to Israel we took care of everything and I took everyones passport, we loaded the buses, the kids got a bottle of water and we were off to the Haas Promenade to see Yerushalayim. We were treated to seeing a most magnificent, multi colored sunset as we drove up towards Yerushalayim. We also saw the envoy of Modi (the Prime Minister of India as he drove back to Ben Gurion to fly back home). That was actually pretty cool…. We drove straight up to Yerushalayim and waiting for us was an amazing BBQ!!! OK, OK let me explain what we had. Outside, on the promenade, overlooking the old city we had fresh hot dogs, burgers, wings (in a sweet and spicy sauce), chicken and salads, sauces and of course freezing cold but super sweet watermelon! Definitely a great way to start things, if you ask me 🙂 We went down to an open area and spoke for a few minutes then did a quick ice breaker, just so everyone would get to know each other. 

We loaded the busses and made a quick stop in Superpharm for anyone that wanted/needed to buy supplies. From there we went to the Kotel where we had a meaningful half an hour to Daven and reflect on where we were. We walked back to the bus and drove to our awesome and rustic (which is great) accommodations in Kfar Etzion. The kids got their room assignments and are decompressing a bit. Not to worry, tomorrow is a filled day but a chilled day. Nothing to heavy. Also we have a bit of a later wake up. 

The kids are starting to get to know one another and learning about each other. The quality of our JOLT Israel kids is amazing. I can’t wait to share the Nachas with all of you. Pictures should be starting to be uploaded by tomorrow so take a gander and love the smiles as much as we do!

OK, I’m off to bed. If you have an questions or comments fee to free to reach out as usual 🙂

With warmest wishes

-Rabbi Weinberg