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About The Trip

NCSY JOLT Israel!!! Amazing Day #5

Dear NCSY JOLT Israel Parents,

I hope this email finds you well. It finds us exhausted and exhilarated all wrapped up in one.  Today was an awesome day and our first FULL day in Israel! We began our day with a later wakeup than usual (everyone was a bit jet lagged) and went straight to Shachris. It was very exciting to add the few additions to our davening that are special for Eretz Yisrael. But the most exciting piece was the fact that we now have Borchat Kohanim (or Kohain in our case) every morning. It’s a real Zechut for us to hear it and A Zechut for our resident Kohain!

After davening we we went to breakfast….it was awesome. I was actually really impressed with the assortment of food  that they had. We finished eating and went straight to the bus. Our first stop of the day was a place called Kfar Kedem. There, we had the opportunity to ride a donkey, make fresh Pita from scratch and learn about some Mitzvot that are Israel specific. Of course we ate a delicious lunch of Kabobs, rice, Chumus and Pita. From there we went straight to Tzipori, the ancient city inhabited by Torah scholars such as Rebbe Yehuda HaNasi, the author of the Mishna. It was very cool. After Tzippori we drove to Har Meron where we did a walk called Shvil HaPisga. This trail was relatively easy and was really just a nice walk, around the top of the mountain. We stopped early in the walk and released a live pigeon that we brought with us. It was actually really interesting the way we spoke about ancient forms of communication. And how pigeons were used to bring messages to people in distant places. At one point, there was an area which had a beautiful view of the landscape below. It was there that we davened Mincha together as a group and really took advantage of the landscape.

We loaded the buses and started our trip back to Ohalo and made it back just in time for dinner. We ate like kings and queens and then regrouped in the shul. We davened Maariv and then I reviewed some important protocol with the kids. Following that we broke up into learning groups and had some powerful sessions.

Tomorrow we have an awesome day where we are going to learn leadership skills experientially. Can’t wait to tell you all about it. 😉

If you have any questions or comments about anything please do not hesitate to reach out at any time.

Have a great night.

-Rabbi Weinberg



NCSY JOLT Israel!!! Awesome Day #3/4

Good Evening NCSY JOLT Israel Parents!

I hope this email finds you well. It finds me better than well. Firstly, I am blessed to be in Artzeinu HaKedosha! Secondly, I have the most amazing group of kids on this trip I have ever met. Each one is so awesome and talented. It is an absolute pleasure to work with each and every one of them. Every Dvar Torah that we share, every time I need attention the kids are respectful and appropriate. I can tell you that the advisors, Reb Josh and myself are super excited to grow together with these amazing kids.

The airport experience was a smooth as could be. A few kids had to rearrange some luggage due to being overweight but overall is it was quick, smooth and painless.  Our flight was awesome! Many of the kids slept, some of them dozed and a few were jut wayyy to excited to close their eyes. We got our luggage and exited the terminal to the bus. While waiting for the bus to pull up, the kids each got a bottle of water so they could rehydrate. Those kids that needed help with their cell phone/SIM cards got what they needed. Any person that wanted to change money had the opportunity to do so and the kids handed in their passports which are all in a safe.

At the airport we met two new members of our team, Yoel and Yeshuda. Yoel is our Madrich and Yehuda is our armed security guard and medic. They are just as much a part of our staff as anyone else and they are an awesome addition to our already spectacular team. After pulling out from the airport we drove straight to Caesarea.  Since it was in the direction of where we needed to go and because it is gorgeous I wanted the kids to see the beauty of the ocean with the backdrop of the ancient Roman aqueducts. The area on the beach where we were was empty and I decided it was the right time and place for us to daven Mincha. And what a Mincha it was!! Imagine, speaking to Hashem with no cars honking people talking or babies crying. Just the strong ocean breeze offsetting the hot sun, the salty smell of the ocean wafting towards our noses and the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach. It was truly a spiritual experience.

After Mincha we had a great lunch from Holy Bagel, different fresh sandwiches and muffins. I gotta say the muffins were excellent! There was blubbery, corn, chocolate white chocolate chip and blueberry. I may or may not have tried all of them…… :-0

After Caesarea we headed towards our quaint hotel call Ohalo Manor. We brought in the luggage, ate a delicious dinner (chicken, meat, rice, fish, tons of salads, tons of desserts.) We learned a little Torah, Yoel filled us in on certain touring and hiking protocols and we went through tomorrows Tochnit. I put the kids to sleep at 10:30. They are exhausted and we are all exhausted. I told them that I would make davening a bit later as well so they can have an extra bit of time to get back into things….

In terms of whats on tap for tomorrow, I won’t ruin the surprise for you guys…You’ll have to wait to hear about it tomorrow night 🙂 It promises to be amazing!!

If there are any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to reach out.

With tremendous Bracha’s from OurHoly Land of Israel!

-Rabbi Weinberg

NCSY JOLT Israel Days 1 & 2

Good Morning NCSY JOLT Israel Parents,

I hope this email finds you all well. The hour is very late but I couldn’t go to bed tonight without telling you what an absolutely amazing Shabbos we had. In the future you will get a play by play description of everything, but I need to wake up in about 3 hours so I am just going to give you some brief reflections. The kids are not only amazingly well behaved but they are an absolute pleasure to spend time with! They are thoughtful, insightful and full of real wholesome energy. They immediately meshed beautifully together and we are going to travel to the airport as I hoped….as one big family. What a Zechus I have to add 41 children to my family!!

We already have our private jokes and personalities are coming through. There is an amazing energy between the advisors and the kids. I wish you could have seen the sessions that we ran. Laughing, joking and serious learning. It was goodness and sweetness wrapped up together and was really everything you would hope to see. Young Jewish children loving to learn and send time with one another. The friendships are already forming and it is really exciting to watch. I will tell you also that the food situation has been out of this world.  You’ll get to know me…I tend to talk a lot about food…. We ended with a beautiful Seudah Shlishit with a powerful ebbing that was emotional and really got us thinking about Israel. When we sang the words “V’LiYerushalyim Ircha, BeRachamim Tashuv“it hit home the fact that we are in fact returning. We are coming home!! After Maariv we had a musical Havdala that was so awesome! I wish you could have seen the depth of spirit that these kids have and the spontaneous dancing that broke out when we were finished. We ended the night with bowling and Pizza and tomorrow we have a full day of programming prior to heading to the airport. I just want to add, and I don’t say this lightly, the advisors are so out of this world amazing in every way. They genuinely care about each kid and are amazing role models! We are blessed to have them with us.

So with that I bid you farewell. The next time you will hear from me will be from Artzeinu HaKedosha. Expect an update from me each night (Israel Time) Bli Neder. I want you all to take this journey together with us.

Looking forward to speaking with you soon.

With warmest wishes

-Rabbi Weinberg


Tomorrow We Start The Most Amazing Summer Of Our Lives!!!!

Good Morning NCSY JOLT Israel’ers and Parents,

I hope this email finds you well and as excited as I am to finally get started!!

A few important reminders:

  • Remember to bring your passports with you!
  • If you are planning on changing money in Israel please bring $100 in a sealed envelope. This way we will exchange it in the airport so you have some Shekel on you. The rate we will be getting will be fine so need to worry about that.
  • Several people have asked me about overnight bags. So here’s the deal…We will be going on a few overnights. If you plan on bringing a carry-on piece of luggage to the plane, then that will double nicely as an overnight bag. However, if you are just bringing a backpack on the plane, I would suggest smushing a little overnight bag into your luggage so that you have it available.
  • Parents who are meeting us in the airport: We will be arriving at around 3:00 P.M. Please meet us at the EL AL area in Terminal 4. My plan is to expedite things as swiftly and smoothly as possible. This means that we will not be hanging around for a long time. I will be getting the kids on line and through check in and then straight to security. This way we will be able to get through and relax at our gate which is important for everyone.
  • Rooms for our first destination in Israel are finished and have been handed in. I made sure to accommodate everyone who sent in their requests, of which there were not too many. Everything is workable and fluid so if there are any issues we will deal with it. No one needs to get worried or nervous.
  • When the kids get dropped off for the Shabbaton, the drop off will be on Peninsula blvd. on the shul side of the street. Please make sure that the kids get out of the car to their right. Onto the sidewalk.
  • I am sending everyone the schedule for Shabbos. In general I keep to times accurately so you can assume that we will be keeping to the times on the schedule.





Shabbaton July 15th – 17th

Friday 15th

·      Early chill for those kids coming early

·      4:30- Official start. Everyone meets at the College House 827 Peninsula blvd…Introductions

·      5:00- Host homes

·      6:35- Mincha (Main Shul)

·      6:50-  Kabbalat Shabbat (Main Shul)

·      6:56- Earliest Time to Light Candles

·      7:30- Ice Breaker

·      8:15- Seudat Shabbat

·      9:15- Walk to the Wallach House

·      9:45- Oneg At The Wallach House (Including session, eating, singing, eating, chilling, eating, eating….)

Shabbos 16th :

·      9:15- Shachris- College House Minyan

·      11:30- Kiddush

·      12:00- Session

·      1:00- Lunch

·      2:00- Chill

·      2:15- Early Mincha- College House Minyan

·      3:00-6:00- Menucha

·      6:00- Meet back at the House

·      6:15- Walk to the Weiner’s

·      6:30-7:15- Session

·      7:15-8:15- Seudah Shlishit

·      8:20-8:50- Ebbing

·      9:05- Maariv

·      9:15-9:30- Shabbos Ends/Musical Havdallah

·      9:30-Host homes- Quick Change and Turn around

·      10:30- Bus Pick up for Night activity- In front of the Young Israel

·      10:45- Bowling/Pizza- Try to beat Reb Josh’s score!!!!!

Sunday 17th

·      9:15- Shachris (House)

·      10:00-10:45- Breakfast

·      10:50-12:00- Advisors meet with Camp Groups

·      12:10-12:30- Divrei Chizuk and Final words

·      12:30-1:15- Lunch

·      1:15-1:30- Clean up

·      1:30-2:30- RE-pack for the plane and bring stuff to the front of the shul with luggage

·      2:30-We out!!!

·      3:00/3:20- Get to the EL AL Terminal

·      7:00- Fly Home!! Libi BaMizrach!!!


If anyone has any last minute questions or comments please reach out.

Looking forward to an amazing journey with everyone.

-Rabbi Weinberg

We Are Almost There!!! A Few Important Things….

A Gitten Erev Shabbos to my Heilige NCSY JOLT Israel’ers and Families,

Next Shabbos we will all be together…. finally…. and start this most amazing journey together! I can’t wait!!!! 

I wanted to review a few things together with everyone just to make sure that we are all on the same page:

  •            The Shabbaton next week begins Friday, July 15th at 4:30 P.M. We will all be meeting at the “College House” of the YI of Woodmere.  The address is 827 Peninsula Blvd. The plan is to keep all of our big duffel bags in the “College House” so that you don’t have to schelp it with you to your host homes. Take what you will need for Shabbos in an overnight bag. You will have time on Sunday to rearrange and repack your luggage before we head to the airport, so no need to worry. If you are from the 5T or the surrounding areas and would like to drop your bag off on Sunday morning, no problem. Just be in touch and let me know
  •       Parents who are meeting us at the airport, please be at the EL AL terminal, #4, at 3:00. We will be there on or around that time. For those of you who would like to say hello to the advisors they will be on hand to meet and greet for a few short minutes. I know it’s visiting day in lots of camps so seriously NO pressure. I just want to inform you that the option is available. Because we are a big group, B”H, I will start getting everyone ticketed pretty quickly and then we start to go through security, so just want to give the parents a heads up on that. I will of course be on hand to speak to everyone…Just look for the tall, good looking, bald guy. J
  •       If you are still having issues with Payoneer or you have an issue at some point over the summer my holy wife Nechama will be taking the lead on helping out with that. You can reach her at
  •       If you are still having phone issues or experience phone issues over the summer, Nechama is your point person for that, as well.
  •       If anyone needs to get in touch with me at any point over the summer please do not hesitate to email me at ,which is the best way, or to call me on my Israel cell phone number- 050-705-0409. Rabbi Josh Rosenfeld our Assistant Director can be reached as well at 052-801-6452.
  •          Many have asked about the laundry situation in Israel. So here is the deal, NCSY will be taking care of two laundry days strategically placed throughout the summer. If anyone wants, they can pay for an extra load of laundry when we are on Kibbutz Lavi at the cost of 17 Shekel (about $4.25)- for every 2.2 pounds of laundry.
  •           Some people have asked me about water bottle holders. To reiterate what I said on the conference call. The best thing in my opinion is a camelback. If you can get one that holds three liters of water that would be best. I will usually mandate two liters of water for our hikes, but you can never go wrong with more. In addition, please remember that I will NOT allow anyone to hike without a hat or water. Sunscreen is also extraordinarily important.
  •         I have also been getting a lot of dress code clarification questions, so to be clear. Girls CAN wear short sleeve shirts. Anything that goes to the mid-arm is fine. No cap sleeves ever. In terms of skirts they have to hit the knee. This is true for Shabbos and during the week. When we are hiking girls can wear long basketball shorts or skirts (however, I would advise wearing leggings under a skirt for a hike). Boys must wear pants for davening Shachris (sweatpants, track pants…), no tank tops, and of course Tzitzis and yarmulka or baseball cap.
  •         Rooming: Many of you have mentioned to me that you do not care who you are roomed with and actually prefer to be with new people. I applaud that. It is actually very impressive. However, there may still be some people that feel the need, especially in the beginning, to be with people they know. So if you really feel that you need to be with someone you know for the first place we stay, let me know. Just send me a private Whatsapp or email. Please be advised that I cannot guarantee more than one person you request. After the first place we stay the advisors, Reb Josh and I will be creating the room assignments.
  •         The free Shabbos begins Thursday night the 4th of August and will go until Sunday morning the 7th. I will be sending out all the information regarding that Shabbos. In 9.9 out of 10 cases kids that don’t have places to stay before the summer are invited to join a friend. In the rare event that your child has NO place to stay for Shabbos we will help them find a place to stay. So no need to worry about that. There are forms for the free Shabbos on your CampMinder account page with information that must be filled out in advance. If you have any personal questions do not hesitate to ask.
  •          Make sure you DO NOT forget your passports!
  •        FOR PARENTS- IMPORTANT: The purpose of this trip is to give our kids the Most Amazing Summer Ever! I want them to feel accomplished, I want them to grow, I want them to have an awesome time and I want them fall in love with Israel. I need you to keep two things in mind:

o   If you ever need to get in touch with me prior to leaving or when we are in Israel…DO NOT hesitate! I am here for your kids and for you. It is NOT a bother! Anytime you need I am available. Most of you know this already but I want to be clear about it.

o   It is important that you trust our NCSY JOLT Israel team. We are all invested in your children and we are all on the same team. Decisions that we make will be with your child’s best interests in mind.  

Phew…That’s everything that I have on my list. If anyone has any other questions please feel free to be in touch. The best way is via text, whatssapp or email.

Wishing you all a beautiful and sweet Shabbos.

With warmest wishes

-Rabbi Weinberg


Kindly Respond

Hello NCSY JOLT Israel’ers and Parents,

I hope this e-mail finds you all well. I want to make sure that everyone gets this initial communication so that when I start sending out regular e-mails everyone is getting them. Therefore, please respond when you receive this. Once we are all on the same page I will send out my first communication. Can’t wait to hear from you…..

-Rabbi Weinberg

