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About The Trip

Working The Land!

joltisrael July 24, 2017

Today was incredible. It wasn’t just a day filled with physical fun such as waterskiing or hiking, rather it was a day that was spiritually uplifting. We began our day in Chevron where we visited our Avot at Maarat Hamachpela, and had the chance to say tehillim. While we were there we had the privilege of attending a Bris, it was really a special experience. Following Chevron, Rabbi Weinberg’s cousin, Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum, educated us about Chevron and its beauty. We then proceeded to the Gush where we bare handedly cleared a plot of land for olive trees to be planted. It was amazing to be able to contribute to the land of Israel in this way. Every single person made a difference, and every person cheered on his/her friends. I left that field feeling accomplished that I had contributed to settling the land of Israel. After that, we went to Yeshivat Torat Shraga to hear Rav Schachter speak. We were able to ask him anything we wanted. At the end of the day, we had an amazing dinner in Ramat Rachel. The day as  whole was really amazing, and I am so excited for another action packed day tomorrow on JOLT Israel. 

Adina Pinsker