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About The Trip


joltisrael July 20, 2018

Here’s Esti Samberg’s reflections on her highlights from another incredible week!


Two nights ago  night we went to Avnei Eitan, a camping site where we got to experience a taste of the great outdoors. Our evening kicked off with a great dinner and was followed by a bonfire where we roasted marshmallows and had a very inspiring kumzits. After the songs and stories, we each had an opportunity to speak about and reflect on the camp we ran this past week and a half. Everyone shared meaningful memories or talked about ways that they felt they made an impact, or how they were impacted. It was really special to hear everyone’s thoughts and reflections on the amazing Chesed that we were able to take part of, and I know it’s something we’ll all carry with us for the rest of our lives!


Wishing our extended JOLT Israel family a beautiful Shabbos and a meaningful Tisha b’Av!