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About The Trip

Machane Hachi Achi Day 2!!

joltisrael July 24, 2019

Yesterday was the second day of the camp we are running. We heard from Rachel Frank about her experience running the camp.


 Yesterday was the most amazing day at camp. The day was filled with so a lot a laughter and fun. We went on a water hike that was so much fun for both us and the kids. I enjoyed seeing all the kids having fun and laughing with friends. After that we went to Aquakef. It was so much fun and so memorable. Being able to take kids and watch them while also having fun is so meaningful. Aquakeyf was the funnest part of the day. I could really tell from the looks of the campers that it was so much fun and that they really enjoyed it. This week has been so far the best. Can’t wait for the rest of the week and all the amazing memories we will make.